Chapter 29.

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Chapter 29.
Carnell POV

I knew this was going to happen. As soon as he asked to come, I said yes. After we settled into the car I made sure Giovanni ate everything Mrs. J put on his plate. She packed that plate so that nothing else could go on there and Gio ate everything. I mean he hadn't eaten all day, I wasn't a doctor but i know that ain't good for a pregnant person. Especially one with a high risk. Hell, I was surprised his little ass body could hold all that food.

Not even five minutes after he finished his food, he was knocked out. When I say knocked out I mean it. Mouth opened, head going everywhere, I'm sure if he could snore he'll be calling the hogs right now. I'm glad I was wearing black pants because my thigh was soaked in slob. It was a whole puddle of it, I just knew his throat was dry. It was like all of it was coming out his mouth to my thigh—nothing was making it down. Couldn't be. I ain't play about people spit being on me unless they were sucking my dick, but other than that? Hell no.

I couldn't even be mad at him though, he needed to sleep.

Every time I tried to move him to lay his head on my shoulder he would wake up. As if he was comfortable as hell laying on my thigh and didn't want me to move or move him. I ain't know what he was gonna do when we had to get out of the car. Ion think he'd want me to carry him in front of all the folks that'll be there especially since he ain't know them. But dude was knocked the fuck out. It'll be a damn miracle if he actually wakes up.

I mean he might stay asleep for the entire meeting which I very much doubt but hope for. I already know that once this shit starts it'll be hell, and this was gone be the last thing I wanted to be doing. I had people to find, other business to handle yet here I was on my way to an annoying ass meeting. It was business but I'd rather be anywhere than here. We already knew what was gonna  go down so this meeting was pointless. It wasn't pointless but close to it.

By now I would've been pissed at having to come negotiate something when we already knew, spoke and agreed on it. Unless it was something else entirely, that needed to be brought to my attention.

I was tryna work a couple things out before we got there but I kept looking in Gio direction. No matter how much I forced myself to look away I would always be right back to staring at him. After a while I said fuck it and watched him for a minute, it was calming as hell. I wanted to know how he managed to look innocent even sleeping, like dude ain't have a worry in this world. Every now and then he'd smile as if he was dreaming or something. After the second smile, I wanted to know what he was dreaming about. I was so busy watching him that I didn't even know we pulled up. This was another reason why I ain't want him here. He took all my damn attention.

I tried waking him up, but like I said dude was knocked out. I called his name a couple times, shook him, even pinched his cheek as hard as I could without doing damage but he ain't bulge. Not one time. Dude was slump as hell, I didn't have a choice but to place him in my arms and stepped out. Peter had opened the door and I nodded at him, everyone here knew where they should be so I didn't need to say anything. I wanted to get in and out, and take Gio back home. No detours, convos, business stops, once we were done it was over. He was going home.

Peter though had to mess that plan up. He reached for something towards me while I adjusted my grip on Gio and I stared at him tryna figure out what the fuck was going through his head. His eyebrows scrunched together as if he ain't know what he did wrong and that's the problem. I would've shot him if Giovanni wasn't sleep. "I was going to carry him in, boss. I could place him in the office... If you want."

"No you ain't." He wasn't about to touch Gio unless he wanted to lose his fingers then his life. That goes for him and anyone else here, if anyone even breathes at him wrong I'm snapping necks. "I aint ask you to touch him, now did I?" He shook his head with a 'no sir' before  looking forward, nothing else needed to be said. He knew I wouldn't hesitate to kill him so I took the time to look around. I had more people here than I wanted but I also had Giovanni. Every last one of them had strict orders that if shit hit the fan he was the one they got out, I can take care of myself. I'd be damned if anything happened to Gio or my baby.

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