Chapter 4.

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Giovanni Pov
New places

I awoke at nearly six thirty, I've never slept in this late before but I felt refreshed to say the least. Last night was amazing, we had family time until Mr. Joh—Dad. I keep forgetting he told me if I felt comfortable I could call him that. I mean although it's been a day, he's been more of a father to me than my own so I mean why not. I just want to try it out.

But after watching the new and old Lion king, Dad nearly dragged mom to their room. I didn't understand the rush but I guess he was tired, what confused me was Mikey nearly gagging when it happened. I didn't want to ask what was wrong though. Once they left my brother—I smiled thinking about him as my brother—suggested we go unpack my clothes. He was surprised I didn't have that much I mean, I had what I could buy and I told him just that—he just smiled and said he'd have to take me shopping.

I hated going to the mall, it was just too many people in one cramped place—everyone talking over each other. Bumping things, I couldn't deal with that much human interaction. I knew myself and I definitely couldn't.

Once I was finished with my morning routine I walked downstairs with my sights set on going to cook but mom was already in there. The food smelt amazing and my stomach growled loudly. She smiled at me and I returned it when she walked over and kissed my forehead.

"Goodmorning baby, how'd you sleep?"

I blushed but shrugged, "Best sleep of my life, Good Morning. Do you need any help?"

She shook her head before grabbing plates, it really was the best sleep. I didn't really remember how my bed felt when I was in foster care but my new bed was so comfortable. It wasn't only the bed that made it the best—for the first time I didn't have to worry or go to sleep scared.

Thinking what if he awoke me tonight, it was none of that—all that mattered was the sweet darkness.

She handed me my plate before making two that were to-go and at that exact time, dad came out. He patted my head and my cheeks heated when he went to her. They kissed as if they forgot I was in the room. Maybe they did because they didn't pull away until an overly energetic Mikey screamed, "Goodmorning Family." At the top of his lungs.

Our Goodmorning wasn't as exciting as his, honestly we sounded exactly how a class would say good morning. Dead and dry. I wanted to laugh when he looked at his parents with a look of disgust before grabbing a plate and sitting next to me at the island.

"Alright I'm off, I'll be back home a little later than usual. We had complications yesterday and since I wasn't there I have to work overtime." He hugged mom before turning towards me, "Have a good first day."

They kissed again before he headed out, Mom was right behind him and I was confused. I thought they worked together so why would they be leaving at two different times?

"What's on your mind little bro."

Mikey asked with food in his mouth, I rolled my eyes at him. "I thought they worked together?"

"Nah." I watched him put another fork full of food in his mouth while I waited for an answer, "Dad just goes with mom sometimes to check up on people. I never really asked why, I think he's a financial advisor or something. I don't know he doesn't talk much about work."

"Oh ok."

That was weird but if it wasn't a problem with them then I wouldn't say anything.

We sat in a comfortable silence just eating, this food was amazing to say the least. I usually didn't eat in the morning but I was glad for it today—. It was as if my stomach knew we had food around and planned to get it's full. I never really understood the saying 'just eating because you know it's there' I guess now I do. Not that I'm complaining because she cooked this to perfection, I'll have to ask her to cook with me. That'll be wonderful. I've never cooked with anyone before, so it'll be another new experience I'm looking forward to.

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