Chapter 34

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Chapter 34
Giovanni's POV

"Did you or did you not yell at my son?" Mom asked and her voice rose, "Multiple times."

This was her third time asking, the first one was calm, the second time she was somewhat calm or rather neutral but now she seemed irritated and I'm pretty sure everyone could tell. She'd asked three times and he still hadn't answered her question. Although we all knew the answer we waited for his response.

I wasn't proud of myself. I've managed to not have a panic attack unprovoked here at school since I've moved here I believe. It all came crashing down earlier today. The panic attacks weren't entirely back which was a good thing, the anxiety never really left but I thought these episodes were done. Of course I still had anxiety, especially social anxiety but I've been working on it.

I stopped taking my meds after a few days of being here because I felt I didn't need them. I didn't panic like I did before coming here. It appeared to be an emotional restart for me, I had the nagging feeling in the back of my head but it didn't amount to when I was staying with Peter.

Basically I didn't need the meds because I didn't feel on edge every waking moment. Unlike before. Maybe that was a pipe dream because since that day two weeks ago it has all come back. I tried my hardest to stop it but it didn't work this time. It seemed to be catching up with me.

Mr. Thorn looked between both of my parents defensively as he spoke but I didn't bother to listen. We were originally in here because Mikey cursed him out and tried to hit him, which he'd done and he admitted that to our parents. When Mr. Thorn called them he hadn't said what he'd done to make Mikey act that way, and before he came in here they heard our point of view. They knew Mikey usually didn't act that way. Honestly he would've done much more than talking had I not been there. So I guess we saved each other in a way. He definitely would've gotten expelled and put in jail had he hit the teacher . I would've felt terrible if that had happened.

Mom continued to go off on the teacher and for a minute I felt bad for him even if he was one of the reasons I had an attack. "So what you're saying is both of MY kids are lying."

I was sitting at my desk thinking about how Nell's been acting weirdly. It wasn't entirely odd behavior it just seemed off but that could've been my anxiety talking honestly or just me reading into it.

We haven't really spent time together so I couldn't say if it was him or me. The last couple of nights before we moved back home he'd been busy. Mainly if he was in the house it was usually his office, the basement or with Kaiden. Not that I was complaining, I understood fully plus he made sure i was by his side for three days straight. Every time he saw me a look would pass across his face as if he wanted to say something but he didn't. Just asked me the usual; how I've been, how the baby was, etc. That wasn't the odd behavior though.

When I'd awake in the middle of the night for either water or a snack, My door would be open as if he came to join me but left before I awoke. Kaiden would already be in my room so it couldn't have been him. When I'd walk past his room the door would be open as well but bed untouched as if he'd never gotten in it. Every time I asked the guards where he'd gone, most would tell me they didn't know even though I knew they did. Others would tell me he was in the basement or handling business. I didn't understand what he could be doing in the basement that late at night or what business happens at that time. I didn't think mobs or gangs had regular business hours anyways. Plus I wasn't going to question it and I was not going down there.

What confused me was why the guards didn't want to tell me what was going on with Carnell. It's been weird since that day and I don't know why. I felt as if he was hiding something. Thomas nor Tony has said much about it and they're with me almost everyday more than everyone else. Since I'm home of course Tony watches me. I don't know how he manages to watch me here but he and the other guards do. I was surprised they hadn't gotten caught yet but I guess they were just good at their jobs. Or the school's security was poor.

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