Chapter 27.

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Chapter 27
Giovanni POV
The Date: Part 2

I was actually having fun on this date, like real fun! I was enjoying every bit of time I had with Carnell, plus the food here was amazing and the desserts were even better. Our waiter was perfect unlike the first one, and Carnell has been a complete gentleman. He was still cold most of the time with everyone that approached our table but he was also opening up. I don't think he'll ever stop being cold towards everyone but I was happy I got to see the other side. The side that's a goofball and loves his family while also a total gentleman. I seriously loved both sides.

And to make everything better is that he hasn't changed with me, from the moment we met he hasn't switched. Now that I think about it he's just shown me the added pieces of himself, never has he converted into someone different. Even when I did all I could to either get away or didn't deserve it he didn't change. I don't know why that is but I loved that I got to see him like this. I might be a wee bit selfish, because I enjoyed that everyone didn't get the pleasure but I've realized I didn't care anymore.

He told me how he and Mikey met, how my parents took care of him sometimes when he was little. That he and Mikey lived in the same building growing up and have known each other since they were three. He even told me about the time Mikey got bit in the butt up to his back by a dog, and Carnell had to run with him on his back when they were eight. I've seen the scar on my brother but he never wanted to tell me the story. He's told me different things and I was truly grateful for the chance to know Carnell better. I wondered what made him want to be in a gang or better yet run one. But that question was pushed to the back of my head as more sneaked into me as the conversation went on. He's mentioned a lot of things from his childhood but he never mentioned his mother or rather his parents at all. I doubted I'd form my lips to ask all the questions going through my head though. I didn't want to ask and make him upset or close up so I tried not to bring it up.

After all, he'll tell me when he is ready, right?

I smiled as he told me Kaiden's first word was 'gun' and second was 'shoot', I definitely could see him saying that. Although he wasn't a violent kid he loved his nerf guns. I was laughing about how he tried to get Kaidens haircut but couldn't stand him crying so they left. "Damn I love your laugh." Carnell's words came out of the blue and made my breath catch in my throat. I glanced up at him shyly while my cheeks heated profoundly. He was leaning in towards me, or I could've been leaning towards him. I had no idea which but it all stopped when someone spoke. "Excuse me?"

I tried to contain my urge to kiss him enough to look at the person, which took a few calming seconds of breathing. "Yes?" I asked at the same time Carnell's deep voice said, "What." Maybe he was feeling the same things I was.

The guy turned to look behind him in what I'm guessing was nervousness, and I followed his gaze. A guy and a girl were standing a good distance away but they could definitely see us. The guy of the two gave a thumbs up while the girl blew a kiss, the guy in front of us turned back around and I smiled at him. They reminded me of Lou, Harry and me, I just didn't understand why he was here because I'm pretty sure that girl was his girlfriend or had a huge crush on him.


He glanced at Carnell then back at me, I wanted to laugh at his expression but I didn't. Even though I didn't understand his reason for being here I wasn't going to be rude. "Oh, what's your name?"

He looked at me with wide eyes as if not expecting that and I glanced at Carnell who was watching him closely with a bored expression. "Ch-Christian." He cleared his throat, standing up straight while seeming to find his courage again. He didn't strike me as the shy type and I knew first hand how shy people were. He definitely wasn't shy. So I had no idea where it could've come from but the way he kept glancing at Carnell.  As if he expected Nell to get up and beat him to a pulp, was my answer. Carnell could make literally everyone either shy or fearful, I guess it was a talent of his. "I'm Christian, my friend wanted to know if he could have your number." He glanced at his friends again and I did too. Both of them had their fingers crossed but there was only one guy so it wasn't hard to figure out who he was talking about.

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