Chapter 15.

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Car Chase
Carnell POV

I watched the sleeping frame on my bed, I was probably the last person he wanted to see. Once he returned back to my house I told him what I could at least. From how he took it before he passed out I'll say I was definitely the last person he wanted to see right now but this was who he was getting. Like it or not he was in danger.

He nearly got kidnapped last night and it pissed me off that he was scared of me. I might be crazy but I wouldn't hurt him, I wouldn't put him through that. He was probably the only person I couldn't hurt in this world including Kaiden but that was different. Either way if he hated me or not I was glad my men thought fast or one second later he would have been with whoever had the big balls right now. Standing I make my way downstairs to see the man who tried to take everything from me. One of them at least, by the end of the day I plan to know who and where his boss is located.

I stared at the asshole laying on my basement floor in a pool of blood, he was pissing me off cause he kept passing out. I just needed him to talk, then I'll put him out of his misery, and send people to his family cirb. If he was willing to take one of the few things that kept me sane I had no problem doing the same. Honestly I just wanted to know, it's been ten hours and I've not heard a word that's useful. I knew the fbi was looking into me, they always were—that's where paying off and blackmail came into play. But there was always someone every other year that tried to play Superman, usually someone who didn't know who one of their family members actually were. It was always a father who owed me money while the child or even wife knew nothing about their affairs. They always saw what they wanted, the good times i guess you could say. Then they go into law enforcement with the mindset I'll do right by the world and take down my father's killer. If only they knew who their fathers or spouse actually were. If anything they should've been thanking me instead of following death in the footsteps of their loved ones.

And It never ended well yet this was different as it seemed the FBI was working with Damien. The same Damien my men had yet to find anything on. I guess that was props of the FBI but he wouldn't stay in the shadows forever. Especially after the stunt last night.

One thing I've never heard of cops kidnapping someone they wanted to get information out of. If they thought Giovanni knew anything they were definitely wrong, he wouldn't be able to stomach what I did. Well at least not the stuff I haven't told him and he hadn't even taken the things I had that well.

According to my men that were seconds away from losing Gio, the cop that got away was pretty busted up. I was going to enjoy torturing them. I could already feel myself soaring just from the thought.

When I came home earlier I thought Giovanni was asleep but no. He put my ass on the ground when I walked in the house, which made me proud. All that training he hated was actually paying off. That promise I made to him had me trying to get things over with and the asshole who owed me my money blindsided my men and shot me. It was only through and through not anything life threatening, but what I did to him was much more enjoyable. Since he made me break my promise to Giovanni. Sure I should've washed everything off me but I thought he'd be asleep since he kept yawning before I left. Obviously that wasn't the case and here we are.

After one of my men came in and gave him what i called 'the torture shot' he was wide awake. I smiled at him before punching him right in the lip, I wanted him to see what I'll do to him so I left one eye open. The other was closed, fat and very much purple. That wasn't the only thing wrong with him or his face at this point and I wasn't nearly done with him.

"Where are they?" I grabbed the longest blade with a handle which made it look somewhat like a sword. My lip twitched at the man who gaped at it. I walked in front of him, "If My men find out before you talk I swear your bloodline would stop. I'll happily kill everyone who shares even a drop of blood with you."

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