Chapter 1.

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New beginning
Giovanni POV

My alarm blared loudly causing me to jump up to turn it off, I did not need my father waking up. It was Five am and hell had to be freezing over for him to even think about waking up this early. I grabbed my clothes quietly and made a run for it towards the bathroom, if it weren't for me I'll be wearing the exact same thing I came back home with. And that was six years ago.

After I take a shower and finish my morning routine, I dress in the best clothes I own. A grey hoodie and black jeans, with a pair of Uggs my best friend bought me. Of course everything I own is second-hand from places like goodwill but that doesn't mean the clothes are raggedy. If it weren't for the checks I wouldn't be able to pay the bills, it's not as if I have much to spare after that. So I can't complain.

Once I'm dressed I stare at my frame, my living situation wasn't the best. It never has been but I tried to make it through without showing what I'm going through. Most days I pass with flying colors, other days not so much. I hoped today would be a good day.

Making sure the bathroom was spotless and I didn't leave a mess visible I went for my closet. After all that was where I slept, my father deemed me unfit for a regular bedroom so I got the pleasure of sleeping there. Grabbing ten dollars out of my suitcase I checked the time, it was already six thirty and I sighed. If I hadn't been staring at myself I would've started breakfast already, but no.

Nearly falling down on my way out the room I stopped in my tracks to make sure he wasn't awake. My heart was beating so fast when I saw him move, yet I calmed down when I realized he was just turning over. Once that's done I run to the kitchen grabbing everything I needed for today's meal. Hopefully he likes it, I was trying something new I saw on YouTube during my few periods but I've never made them.

Making sure not to make any noises I set in a good pace. It was a quick easy breakfast, although I hadn't practiced the homemade it was coming out to perfection. I really did love to cook, if I was good at one thing—which I really was only good at one thing— it was cooking. I started cooking when I was at least seven in foster care but it was the basics. As I got older I branched out with everything, I could cook things I've never once tasted before I'd made it which I'm still amazed by.

After making sure the plate was presentable—even if he didn't care as long as it was cooked well.

I grabbed my things and hightailed it out the house, it was close to the time for him to awake and I didn't need to be caught in his morning cross fire

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I grabbed my things and hightailed it out the house, it was close to the time for him to awake and I didn't need to be caught in his morning cross fire. Shaking my head as I walked I'll buy something for breakfast, even though my stomach growled there was no way were I going back to grab something.

I looked at my phone as I walked through the hallways, messaging Harry and Louis. Louis has been my friend for a while now and of course he came with his boyfriend Harry. They were the only ones who knew what went down at my house and honestly I trusted them with my life. After all Louis was the one who gave me the phone it was the least I could do. Plus it was lunchtime and I needed to know where they were, I had something for them.

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