Chapter 25.

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Chapter 25.
Carnell POV

I walked in and my stomach turned in every possible way. What I saw made my blood boil past the point of cooling down. Now I understood why Greg was on the verge of losing his shit when he found out. I wanted to set this bitch on fire. I wasn't one to let my emotions get in the way of what needed to be done—my emotions tended to cut off—but this shit was out of hand and we haven't even made it past the first door.

I gave the simple command of putting the silencers on and shooting anyone in the next area that moves threatenly. Ain't no way I'm letting none of these fuckers live, especially not after this shit.

There were kids of all ages laying around and the fact that nearly all of them were naked and was definitely scared, pissed me off further. It was so obvious what was going on here that my anger toward everyone went up. Yet I managed by a thread not to go haywire—at least not yet. We haven't come across anyone that worked first hand with Damien but this was his doing. There weren't anyone stupid enough to do this—especially in my city but him. I planned to get everything out of the assholes who had a hand in this.

My eyes locked with a little girl hiding in the back. She and most of the children were moving away from my men and the fear in their eyes were pretty evident. They thought we were the enemy and I couldn't even blame them. Most of the guys had put the guns away but with what these kids were through, I could see why they were timid to trust.

The girl gained my attention again, the fact she's probably been through so much right now and has seen my men kill someone made me feel for her. Hell all of them. I saw Kaiden and my unborn child in them. That the fact this even happened in the first place was enough for me to see red. Looking at the kids my anger was skyrocketing while dissolving at the same time. She had to be three or four and her life has been turned upside down by perverted assholes that didn't need to see another day.

Their life has barely started and they've been through this shit.


I ordered them and everyone in the room stopped what they were doing, and turned towards me. Even the kids stopped midstep. I took in all the kids and the age range had to be from two up to twelve. At least that's what the intel said and it was right on point. One thing I didn't have a hand in and made sure wasn't around here was any involvement with children. What kind of sick fuck was into child trafficking or human trafficking—no matter how much money came from it? I made sure nothing involving children made its way through here. Yet, this fucking Damien has managed to do the one thing in my territory I promised not to allow.

I didn't condone this bullshit, especially not after what I saw when I was younger. Anyone—and I mean anyone working with me that felt differently on the subject could lose their life as well.

I pull Gregory over towards me, "Make sure you find each and every one of their families. If you need help tell the Johnsons. Do not stop until you find each and every one of them." We managed to get in here without setting off the alarms which means the people who work for this dumb ass were still here. I intended to get answers, that was for sure no matter what it cost. "I want y'all to take care of them as if they're your own kids. Hell as if they're mine if that helps. If y'all so much as touch them wrong I'll kill you. If I don't like the look in your eyes while you look at them—I'll kill you. All of y'all put the damn guns away, they're already scared enough."

I made it towards a closed door before a tug on my leg gained my attention, my gun was raised and I was about to smack the shit outta whatever it was. That was until I looked down and saw the little girl that was hiding in the back. Crunching down, I had no clue what to do or say—what do you say to a kid that didn't deserve the hell they've been through? Her arms wrapped around my neck when I was at her eye level and it surprised the hell outta me. She was the only kid back here and I wondered why she wasn't huddled with the rest of them. Hesitatingly I wrapped my arms around her small frame, and her sobs wrecked my body. Damn this little girl was managing to tear my heart to pieces, something I didn't think was possible.

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