Chapter 3.

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Carnell Pov

Water being splashed on me then giggling, I knew who it was before my eyes even landed on the blob of Sandy brown hair in the wind. Groaning I got up to chase after my son, I had no idea how the boy could have so much energy this early in the morning. But it was an everyday thing I was used to by now.

Kaiden always found it funny to wake me up in different ways, knowing good well I liked my sleep. "Kaiden mane what did i tell you about water in my bed."

"I didn't do it daddy!" Yet he didn't stop laughing or running.

I growled when we made it to the living room, picking his little body up before slamming him on the couch. "If you didn't do it then who did?"

"I dunno." He laughed when I put him back in the air, "Daddy, daddy. Okay! I'm sorry."

I put him on the couch and shook my head, "Next time you do that, I'm finding a new baby." He stared at me as if he knew I was lying but I wasn't playing with him this time. "Come on let's get you ready." I picked him back up, throwing him over my shoulder before walking towards his bathroom. "Do you want me to help or do you got it?"

He wiggled out my arms and I knew my answer before he even opened his mouth. "I got it daddy geez, brush my teeth and wash my face first. I know I know."

Laughing because he was being a smartass I leave him to do what I needed done. What I really needed to do was hire a nanny until he started pre-k, he hated going to the preschool I had him in and that was the best one here. It was the only one I was willing to send him, I went to the one on the opposite side of town and I definitely wasn't sending him there.

The problem was I couldn't trust none of the randoms with my son. About a year ago his nanny tried to kidnap him to get at me and that was the last straw, I haven't hired anyone since. I get you coming for me or the business but you leave my damn son out of it, she got what was coming to her though. I'd be damned if I let my little boy get hurt, especially by someone I trusted yeah you got me fucked up. That's exactly why I got three guards to watch over him while he's in class. He can't see them but they damn sure better be able to see him.

He was only going to be in the best of the best, there was no other way. Everything I do is for him, so he wouldn't have to want for nothing, so he could have a better life than what I grew up in. And honestly I'll say I'm where I want to be, and nothing's stopping or holding me back. I know people frown upon how I've made myself successful but what eighteen year old you know could buy an island if they wanted? Because I ain't know anyone who can, if you do know someone their probably trust fund kids. Yet I worked for everything I've ever gotten.

Once I did my morning routine and got dressed I headed to my office to make sure nothing went wrong. It'll be just my luck that it was.

I groaned when I looked at all the emails I knew if I didn't leave now I wouldn't be any time soon. Shutting everything down I leave the room to look for my boy, checking the bathroom he wasn't in there. His room was a mess and I wanted to call his little ass in there to clean it up but he'll do it when we get back home. We didn't have time for that because he'll move like a snail, which would only serve to piss me off this early in the morning.

Going back to my room it was only one place he'll be, I grabbed my things then went to the living room. "Kaiden, why does your room look like a damn hurricane ran through it?"

"I needed to find my outfit daddy!" He hopped off the couch and I shook my head, his outfit was bout the same as mine. He always tried to match which I couldn't complain about, he pulled off most of the outfits better than me. I wished I knew what to do with all that long hair I was tired of it being down but I had no clue what to do with it. If i brought up cutting it he'll have a break down so that was out the question. "See you tried to be like me."

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