Chapter 9.

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Carnell POV

I wanted to laugh my ass off when I saw little dude run out of here like his ass was on fire. I bet he was up in the kitchen still blushing after that—I heard his footsteps when he came but I figured he turned around. Kaiden was singing at the top of his lungs so I just ain't hear him leave but something told me to turn around and when I did I wanted to laugh.

Giovanni was standing there as if someone told him to stand at attention but the blush on his face went past his shirt and up to his ears. He was the only person I knew that would blush at literally anything—it wasn't funny but it was. Other than Kaiden I ain't see nobody blush before so it was new.

I'm not even going to lie, I don't have any clue what I am doing with Kaidens hair. The only thing I know how to do was wash and blow dry it and I learned from watching a YouTube video when he was a baby. I can't style it even if I tried—I mean put it in a ponytail or just let it hang; that was the only style he wore. I took him to the shop to get it done when he was one and he had a fit and threw a tantrum.

After that I tried to get it trimmed down but as soon as he saw the scissors he was out. I stopped trying after that, the woman gave me a couple things to 'take care of it'. And still to this day I use it.

"Daddy." I looked at him, I was making sure his bath water wasn't too hot. I thought I did a good job—when his hair was rid of the water I put it in a ponytail before wrapping it. Kaiden told me it was a bun but I was just happy his hair wouldn't get wet again. That shit a pain in my ass. "Do you like Gio?"

I frowned. I guess it depends how he was asking, I liked that he was good with Kaiden. Little dude was nice and it was good to be around that energy every now and then. "Whatcha mean Kai?"

"You be staring at him daddy and uncle Mickey said you stare at people you like." Kaiden said with his arms crossed, I was going to kill Mikey the first chance I got.

I wouldn't say I stared at Gio. I just can't believe a white dude had the package he had. Those lips, that ass and the guy had it naturally I mean he had to cause he was innocent as hell. I looked at him and would definitely not say I stared—I looked when I felt him looking that was how it went down to be honest. But if Kaiden out of all people said it and he's four then maybe I do stare. I mean I might not be into guys but he was cute to say the least.

I smiled at him, "I don't stare Kai."

"Yesuhun." I stopped the water and looked back at him—he had this look of determination on his face. "You stare at eachnother daddy! I saw it!"

I shook my head, that was true hell even though I knew that it didn't mean anything. I wasn't gay I ain't go that way but I couldn't even lie to myself and say Gio ain't catch my eye. He was cute in his own little way— even my straight ass knew that.

I put Kaiden in the tub with my mind everywhere, I wasn't like that. "I wouldn't be mad daddy if you like Gio! I like Gio!" I didn't know what to say I ain't see no guy as cute before, and ion know what the fuck was going on with me. I liked pussy, the wetness, the tightness—titties were good, a girl with a fat ass? Even better. I ain't like roughness unless I was the one being rough. I liked the softness of a girls skin, their voice, wasn't no nigga gonna give that too me. Even if Giovanni voice was soft as fuck.

I never in my life thought that a nigga was cute before—my dick ain't take interest in a dude and it wasn't going to start now. I knew for a fact it wasn't. With my sights set, I change out my jeans into joggers before heading to the kitchen. My stomach growled when I smelt everything he was cooking—his back was turned and I took in the image.

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