Chapter 19.

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Chapter 19
Carnell Pov

Me and Giovanni hadn't spoken since what went down in the kitchen. That was my fault although he did ask for time so I was giving it to him, not what I preferred but it was what it was. I wasn't going to force him into a relationship he nor I wanted, he was so different from the girls I usually went for. It made me question everything which wasn't good for him or my guys. I wanted him, of course I did who wouldn't want him? But I also wouldn't settle for someone who couldn't deal with the lifestyle I was in. I worked too hard to get where I am today, and although it might not come with a four year degree—not even a high school diploma or anything like that. It was still basically my life's work. I was the youngest leader known to the gang world and although my face might not be in many of the papers or online,-which I was still deciding if it was a good thing or not.

I didn't need the internet to know all my business; everyone in my world knew who I was. Even if you weren't in a gang or anything but knew of the world I then you knew my name. People cower once they heard it, no man- outside the lifestyle has lived to tell the tell of what I looked like. At least they haven't been found. Of course, The feds knew but that was different they couldn't make anything stick even if I were to walk in their headquarters.

"Are you excited?"

Rose's question brought me out of thought and for a second I forgot she was even here. I'd finally let her know we'd be able to talk today, because she kept calling my damn phone. When I picked her up and took her to the restaurant, I'd gotten the call about Giovanni. Against my better judgment I brought her here and since I couldn't trust her she rode with a bag over her head. And that was the only reason she's in my office, I didn't trust her not to go looking around my crib, and until I know she ain't working with anyone ima be cautious.

Honestly after I find out what she wants this should be the last I hear of her. The last thing I wanted to do was sit trapped in here listening to her voice while Giovanni was down the hall. But I knew he didn't want me in there even though a part of me could give two fucks about what he wanted. It was surprising me that Vick has yet to find out what was wrong with him, it's been weeks and it's never taken him this long. It was pissing me off to the point of no return.

I looked back at Rose and honestly she wasn't an ugly girl—brown skin that glowed under the light. Long black weave that rounded her baby face, her eyes were also brown with fake bird eyelashes. I doubted she had any problem, actually I knew she didn't. Plus she was sweet when she wanted to be but I also knew that she liked to play dirty.

Rubbing my eyes I finally decided to ask what she was talking about. She smiled and I wanted her to disappear so badly, it was just too much going on. "I said I'm pregnant."

I stared at her not knowing what she wanted me to say, she didn't look pregnant to me but what did I know. I mean I had no idea why she was telling me that, I made sure to wrap it up every time I fucked her. I must have been quiet for too long cause her smile disappeared and she called my name.

"That's cool." I said out of the blue and she was the one staring at me now as if I was the crazy one. "Why ya telling me?"

"Cause it's yours."

I laughed because I doubted that but telling by her face she thought it was mine. I know I wasn't the only one fucking her—hell I knew some of my dealers were in her by the time I left. Rose was what we called a gang hoe, she fucked with anyone she could in the gang. She was a popular one too cause she had some wet pussy and her head game was amazing. With her being popular she had to get state of the art tests done every two weeks. Especially when I was fucking her—i wasn't risking catching shit. Meaning that was probably when she found out she was pregnant but the time wouldn't add up.

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