Chapter 2.

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So if you've already read this chapter you don't have too again, I made the mistake of changing last names and I've just realized it so I'm just updating it. Sorry if you had to read that it must have been confusing.

New Home
Giovanni Pov

Although the Johnsons hadn't gotten permission to adopt me which I was kind of thankful for, they said that the court needed a couple days to run the papers. They didn't seem worried at all, which confused me but i wasn't going to complain. I'll be staying with them for the time being, getting a feel of if I actually liked being in this environment. So far Mr. and Mrs. Johnson seemed like very nice people and I was happy for that.

What scares me the most was that their son may not like me. I mean if I was getting a sibling out the blew I would be a little upset, not that I'll be mean about it because I'll never. It'll just be weird, Which I'll understand if they were. Hopefully they weren't mean because I didn't think I could handle that right now, or anyone homophobic. Those were the biggest things for me, I didn't like people that judge others because they didn't like or understand something about them. It just didn't sit well with me plus my father was homophobic and he let me know just how much he hated me for it.

I sighed when we pulled up to what I was guessing were their home and got out. It was now or never it wasn't like I could stay there without meeting their son, that was highly unlikely.

"Hey, you don't have to worry this is your house too. Plus my son may be a brat but he's a nice one."

I smiled and nodded at Mrs. Johnson I didn't know how she knew exactly what I was thinking but I was grateful she did. Maybe it was a mother's instinct.

Mr. Johnson had been quiet up until he went to unlock the door and it swung open, they shared a look before walking into the house. "Michael!"

Just like that a sweaty boy came gliding down the stairs almost falling but keeping his balance. He was handsome to say the least, he grinned when he saw his parents. I could feel the love in his eyes and for some reason that made me weirdly happy to see. "Hey momma, dad. Sorry bout that I was working out."

I knew he was lying, I got pretty good at telling when someone was lying. I mean how could I not when I've had to lie my whole life. I think his parents knew too but didn't say anything, Mrs. Johnson just turned towards me. "Micheal meet Giovanni, He's going to be the newest addition to the family."

Before I could even say hi I was being pulled away I heard laughing but I was more concerned about what was happening. When we made it to a gorgeous kitchen that's when he let go of my hand and stared down at me.

I blushed when we just looked at one another, I didn't know what to say. "Um hi?"

"I won't ask your life story because most people don't like to share that but my parents told me and I'm sorry you had to go through everything. No one no matter what should be put through that. But that isn't why i pulled you in here so I have one thing." I nodded, not having any clue where this was going. I didn't know how I felt about them telling him but I mean he is their son. "I always wanted a brother, about time they got me one." Was he playing with me? Or just saying that to make everything less awkward because I'll understand if he didn't. I didn't say that though, I didn't want him to think I had any problems. "As long as you're not like the last person they brung home we'll be fine okay?

They've adopted before? I guess that explains why he's not freaking out as much as I would have, "What did they do?"

"For starters she came home drunk most of the time with different men." He rolled his eyes as if replaying the memories and my face scrunched up on its own accord. I would never. "Then she thought she could throw the word faggot around because I'm bi, as if our parents would agree with that."

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