Chapter 17

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Carnell Pov
The truth

It had been a long day and making the arrangements to have everyone here was tiring but it needed to be done. And I knew Giovanni was bound to crack at some point, he's been through a lot in one day. Especially for someone who had no idea what was going on, Hell today would've been exhausting for any of the noobs— was the new comers. I knew about his past and that he didn't like violence. He was honestly the definition of innocent but for him to look at me as if I was going to hurt him, I could never. Just wasn't Capable of it. I don't believe at least not on purpose.

I would understand if I gave him reasons not to trust me but I've been nothing but civil to a certain point. I couldn't tell him everything even if I wanted too, he just wouldn't be able to handle it. Just like if he saw that side of me he'll be running for the hills.

Especially with what was going on with him, which I had no clue of what. I'm thinking he's just sick, since he threw up yesterday then today he passed out. That though could've been from exhaustion or just stress, I didn't know. I damn sure wasn't a doctor but Vick took some blood while asking about his other symptoms. I couldn't think of any other than those two so he might just have a bug.

Vick was the son of my childhood doctor, he took over some time ago and honestly he's just as crazy as his father. Always talking about unnatural shit as if it was true. If he didn't have a medical degree I'd have thought he needed help, but I trusted his word when I needed to.

I placed Giovanni in a room before listening to see where the person I was looking for was. When I didn't hear anything I made my way around the house. Mr. an Mrs. Johnson was on their way back from the business meeting. So then that'll be everyone I needed here safe. Not that they needed my protection, those two could protect themselves with or without me. I knew that it'd help Gio if they were here and I wanted to make this change as comfortable as possible for him.

I walked towards the kitchen to see Mikey and his boy toy making out. I didn't know agreeing to protect him my friend would have fallen in love. And that was exactly what he did even if he didn't know. I didn't know how Thomas felt about him but I knew how he felt about Thomas. You could tell by the way he looked at him. I just ain't want him to get hurt.

"Where's Kaiden." I hadn't seen him in what felt like days but it's only been one, could've fooled me though. I never go that long without him anymore.

They pulled apart staring at each other like the sickly in love couple they were before Mikey turned towards me. "He's sleeping, how was the date?"

"You two went on a date?!" Thomas squealed, pushing Michael away from him and turned towards me.

"Look it here now, don't try to be all up on me later. Pushing me away to hear gossip got me fucked up." Mikey said which caused Thomas to roll his eyes.

I knew Thomas and Giovanni had gotten weirdly close over the past weeks but it was to be expected. They both shared somewhat of the same past, although neither really talked about it much. I'm sure if I hadn't done what I did I still wouldn't know about Giovanni. Hell I wouldn't have met him. The only reason I knew about Thomas was because he went to therapy and I reported his progress to his father. So I guess I could understand his curiosity even if it was none of his business.

Sighing I grabbed a water, and leaned against the counter. "He got sick then I had some business to take care of." Mikey raised his eyebrow at the end and Thomas had this look as if he knew exactly what I was talking about.

He probably did, being that he grew up in this lifestyle. Not only was his father capo in his home county, but it was rumored his brother was set to take over soon. His father hasn't denied nor confirmed it so I didn't know if that was true. Yet he did say he was choosing a son to take over, so i'm sure his father has taught him a thing or two in case it was to go sideways. I wasn't too sure about his brother taking over because Thomas does show that he knows how to run a business but it took more than that to be in charge. His first day here and he managed to change a few things. Wasn't my decision though which I'm grateful for.

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