Chapter 8.

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My fault.
Giovanni Pov

I hated when people touched me and liked that—it reminded me so much of what my father was doing and what I went through at my old school. Where people would drag me away from where I was to show me a lesson.

I was so weak for freezing up when Mikey, Noah and even surprisingly Carnell—who had been the first— had tried to stand up for me. I knew I was because as I watched the football team and Carnell fight I just cried. Here I was rocking myself while someone that didn't even like me fought for me. What confused me was Noah holding Mikey back with all his might but it seemed it wasn't working.

I wanted to be that strong but I wasn't—I never will be. I'll be the boy who cried every time someone faced or challenged him. The one who couldn't run away from his dad no matter how much pain he brought. I was the one who just couldn't stand up for himself.

Someone caught Carnell off guard and I thought that was the end of it—he had to be fighting at least seven people but it seemed they were the ones losing. Not the other way around. The one who punched Carnell had to be thinking the same thing I was but as soon as the guy he was fighting dropped he turned his attention to him. People tried breaking it up while others had their phones out like this was something big—I didn't get it.

Carnell looked as if he was deranged while he fought any and everybody who was close enough. I never thought someone could take on anyone that way let alone seven people at the same time. Officers and Emt's came rushing in and I just watched in shock, he just wouldn't stop. Why wasn't he stopping? Every time an officer grabbed him he'll go back to the one who grabbed me. I was pretty sure the guy was unconscious—most of them were but that didn't stop Carnell. He fought against the officers and he didn't stop even as four tried holding him down.

The Emts piled out everyone that didn't wake up and the ones that did, they tried getting them away but Carnell wasn't having none of it. He tried his hardest to fight against the five officers holding him back and oddly he succeeded. He made it halfway towards the guys before he was tackled back to the ground—my chest hurt watching it. The expression never left his face as he tried to fight even when the guys weren't seen anymore.

When they took him away in the cuffs I wanted to go up to him but I refrained. I doubt he'll even want to see me after what just happened and I didn't need him trying to fight me. It was my fault just like the girl said before the bell ranged—I knew it was my fault and Mikey tried telling me that it wasn't but I knew the truth. Carnell wouldn't have been in the fight if it hadn't been for me.

"Why didn't you help him?" I asked Mikey who was hugging me—I didn't get it, that was his friend. Even though he won he was still outnumbered now he's the one going to jail. Who was going to take care of Kaiden? I shouldn't care but after all it was my fault—I barely knew him and he fought for me. I tried pushing against his chest but I was weak, "Why didn't you help?!"

"He didn't want me to help and in case you forgot I was being held back but the guy still kicked their ass."

He laughed as if it was funny and I used all my might to push him away from me, "How could you laugh right now? That's your best friend, your godson's father! He basically got dr-drag-dragged away in handcuffs!"

I walked away but he caught up to me, "One thing you'll figure out about Nell is—he beats the odds. Eight against One and he came out on top, even now I know he'll beat them."

I was confused. I couldn't even begin to figure out the riddle he was saying, I didn't have anything to say so I just went to my class. They had everyone on pass restriction so we weren't supposed to be in the halls anyway.

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