Chapter 5.

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Girl or boy
Carnell Pov

It was about time I got out of the house, I haven't had the chance to do anything I needed done. Kaiden got sick at school last week and he's been in that clingy baby mood ever since. Not that I'm complaining but it's been bout three weeks since I'd got my dick wet and the drought I'm in would have a nigga going crazy. I just haven't had the time and it's catching up to me, I'll have to call someone to fix this later on.

I was more than happy when his symptoms started to go away and he was back to himself although he's still being clingy. I could deal with that but having to clean throw-up off the floor every other hour was driving me insane. I couldn't leave the house because he'll start crying if I left the room he was in. It wasn't like I was going to leave him anyway but that's how he got when he was sick. Beyond babyish you could say.

"Kaiden you ready?"

Since he was feeling better I was taking him out, just to a restaurant, maybe the mall. It was a Saturday so I'll have to rethink that—he definitely didn't like being in too crowded places. Even though he'll have to get over it if he planned to ever go anywhere, I'll let him decide today. This was a father-son day I guess.

I laughed when Kaiden walked over to where I was sitting on the couch and climbed in my lap. "Where're we going daddy?"

"Just out baby, maybe first to the mall let you get new clothes. Then a movie and food." I brushed the hair that covered his face when he put his head on my shoulder. "Whatcha think?"

He didn't say anything so I sighed and stood up, I'm glad he wanted to get dressed today because there was no way he was going out in his Spider-Man pajamas. Once I had him settled in the car I got in but someone calling my name grabbed my attention. I looked over my shoulder and I had to stop myself from pulling my gun out and shooting her right there. I wouldn't traumatize my baby like that, plus after all she was the one who carried me for nine months even if she didn't act like it.

Starting the car I turned the radio on so he wouldn't hear what was going to be said. I closed the door and headed over to my 'mother'. Cathorine used to be a very pretty woman before she started trying out everything. Not that she isn't pretty now she just looks tired and wore out. Yet I couldn't find an ounce of sympathy for her because she did it to herself—no one to blame but herself.

I grabbed her bony arm softly but firm so Kaiden wouldn't be anywhere near her toxicity. "What the fuck are you doing here?"

"Don't talk to your mother like that Nell." I couldn't stop the laugh that came out my mouth. She definitely wasn't my mother and if she thought she'd get the fucking title just because she carried me that wasn't happening. "Where's Kaiden? I want to see him?"

That shut me and my hand twitched to shoot her but I just counted. I had to remind myself that he was just in the car, but that didn't mean I don't want too right now.

"Why would I let you see him?"

She looked at me as if I was crazy but obviously it was the fucking other way around if she thought I'll let her see my son. "He's my son."

I saw red. "No. He's not your son, he's mine. Just because you pushed him out does not make you his fucking mother." I should've stopped there but I'll be damned if I let this bitch come here and act like she's a parent. "You don't know him. You're not the one who stayed up rocking him when he couldn't sleep because of your loud music! You weren't the one who read to him, cooked him food when he needed it! Were you the one who took care of him? Huh? That makes sure he's safe and even if it's the little shit? You do not know a fucking thing about him so you aren't his mother. You weren't around when he was sick and needed someone, You fucking left him in the house by himself at ten months. TEN MONTHS! Swear to god get the fuck on before I really deal with you. Don't fucking play with me nomo."

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