Chapter 23.

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Sooo Ugh 🤦🏽‍♂️

I've been dreading posting this, procrastination at its greatest. I might delete this chapter since I really don't like it but I'll see what y'all think before then. Anyways enjoy this or don't.😭😐

Dazed & confused
Chapter 23.
Carnell POV

"C-Carnell?" I blinked forward and looked at Giovanni who was now standing in front of me. I couldn't focus on shit but what the doc said earlier and it was blowing my mind. I didn't know what to do with what he toldus, that shit turned everything upside down and I wasn't ready for it. "Are you okay?"

"I mean..." I stared at him for a minute and everything the doctor said came rushing to my head. How was he so damn calm right now?

Few hours earlier~

Vick was asking Giovanni questions about his symptoms and I had no clue how he kept all this from me. Or anyone in the house. It could've been the fact that I was giving him the time he wanted and the other time he barely wanted to talk to me. I know from now on he won't go an hour without me finding out how he's feeling now, I don't care if we're talking or not. Ain't no way I've been in the dark about most of the shit he's saying, especially since I've had people watching over him. Don't know how anyone in the house hasn't been alert to this shit.

He's been throwing up and fainting constantly and more shit yet no one has paid attention. What the fuck did I have guards watching him if they weren't doing the one thing I assigned to them? Or maybe they were, Yet felt the need to follow Gio's directions over mine—that shit ain't happening nomo. Especially when it comes to his health. I'll kill every last one if I find out they ain't tell me anything regarding him.

I give him props though, he was damn good at hiding shit and it was pissing me off at the fact. He shouldn't have to hide how he's feeling—the fact he thought he had too was beyond me. There wasn't anyone in that house that didn't care about him, so I didn't get why hide. I understood him not wanting to be a bother but him not feeling aight wouldn't have been bothering anyone.

I'm pretty sure a stomach bug would've passed by now and it's been weeks since that accident at my house. He should've been good yet he obviously hasn't gotten better, which had me thinking it was worse than a stomach bug.

"Have you been sexually active?" Vick asked and just how Giovanni shifted in my lap I knew he was red and uncomfortable. That confused me the most, the fuck that had to do with what was wrong with him? I was about to ask that but Giovanni just nodded his head while I shook mine, he was so innocent. He was shy about any and everything but if it involved sex it was worst. Yet his shyness was cute as hell. "During any of the times has it been unprotected?"

Giovanni looked back at me and just as I thought, his cheeks were red as hell. I looked at Vick trying to figure out where he was going with this, because I didn't see the point of it. "I-It was j-ju-just o-once." Definitely not by choice. Yet I knew he wasn't ready for more, especially since it's been a lot going on—too much.

But what the hell did this have to do with how he's feeling?

"Ok," Vick said nodding and for a second our eyes met and he seemed uncertain. The fuck was he nervous about? After all it was his damn job to know shit like this so there was no reason to be nervous. "Was it unprotected?"

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