Chapter 14.

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Not feeling too hot.
Giovanni POV

I blocked a punch he threw before trying to attack but he grabbed me slamming me on the ground until I was wiggling against him. He let me up and although I was tired I got back up, my instructor said 'An enemy won't care if you're tired so why should you?.'

This time we eyed each other while walking around in a circle. It was tough fighting him because he didn't show any weaknesses like he told me to look for. Honestly he didn't show anything, his face was blank, he stared at me not even paying attention to his feet. I was definitely convinced he wasn't going easy on me like he said he would.

Alright Focus Giovanni. Find a weakness.

I tried to focus on the fight but every time I looked at him I was amazed by his appearance. Snug black joggers hugged low on his body, his member sitting there as if it wasn't a weapon in itself. His upper body—that eight pack staring at me just taunting me. How was anyone this gorgeous?

I licked my lips distracted and obviously he knew that when he attacked taking me to the ground with him on top of me. He looked disappointed to say the least. My heart clenched at that look before I realized the position we were in. It had been four weeks since the party and three since the incident at the school. I've been trying to work up the nerve to kiss Carnell but it hasn't transpired yet which was making me feel bad. He hasn't tried anything either which makes me feel worse.

Maybe he just didn't like me anymore?

Carnell stared at my face with an expression I couldn't read before that same look returned to his face he wore not even a second ago, "Do not get distracted an opponent would see through that."

I nodded at him, even though I was still distracted I listened. The feel of his body against mine—skin on skin had my member down low joining the fight until I felt myself not feeling good. Carnell was moving off me but not fast enough, I pushed him off me before running towards the bathroom I knew that was conjured to the workout room.

I plunged for the toilet as I emptied the nonexistent contents in my stomach. It was a Friday and Carnell had me skip school which I've never done except for when I was injured. He had me call in 'sick' for the training I had no use of using. Maybe i was actually getting sick. He'd gotten me a fighting coach I guess you could say and I absolutely hated it. Why would I need to know how to fight? But even though I knew I wouldn't use this training it was good to be able to protect myself. Although my thoughts took me down a weird path of who he thought I'll need to use it on. I hadn't told him about what happened those weeks ago and maybe that was a good thing. I mean what could he do about it anyway?

But...When we hang out he does seem like he's hiding something. When his phone rings he moves so I won't hear it, multiple times I've stayed the night with Kaiden and he's had people in his office'. Why would an eighteen year old need an office?

Maybe Carnell was in something shady like Noah had said? It seemed he doesn't have a family because he never talk about them so how did he pay for everything? I mean he had more than one house and multiple cars if he was rich and didn't have a family what did he do? Noah said Carnell wasn't who I thought he was so what did he mean?

I was pulled out my thoughts when I heard his voice, "I gotcha you'll be alright." I didn't realize I'd started crying while still hugging the toilet, my stomach and throat hurt from puking my guts up. My head was starting to spin, "Have you eaten?" I shook my head even though food was the last thing on my mind. How could anyone think of food at a moment like this?

Carnell growled before he picked me up, I didn't even fight when he carried me bridal style somewhere. I just wanted to sleep so I closed my eyes with my head on his chest, but that dream was lost when he sat me on the floor. We were in a different bathroom, it was huge from what I could tell but I wasn't paying much attention. I watched Carnell prepare a toothbrush before handing it to me, I mumbled an thanks before putting it to work while he grabbed a towel.

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