Chapter 10.

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You ever spelled a word right but it looked wrong so you had to say it but it still looks wrong asf? 😭😭 The struggle.

So Ik some of you might think that the book has been moving slow, and that's alright. Hopefully you like this chapter, Anyway Enjoy babes. Like, comment, vote whatever ya feeling.

Liquor Courage
Giovanni POV

I was trying my best to stay away from Carnell but everywhere I seemed to go he'd be there. He was suspended from school so that was the only place I didn't see him but Mikey would have him pick me up. For the entire ride I would try not to say anything—I wouldn't even look at him. Yet for some reason he'd try to talk to me, I didn't get it.

That day at his house ruined everything.

Me and Kaiden had an amazing dinner up until he asked me if I liked his daddy. I didn't know how to answer because I did but do you tell a kid that?

After our meal we just talked about things mainly his friend that he told me 'he liked'. I wasn't the person he should be having a to 'liking someone' conversation with because the person I think I liked didn't like me back. Or did he? I was confused about that.

Me and Kaiden were trying our hardest to stay up whilst watching the movie but it didn't work. When Kaiden had fallen asleep I tried waiting for Carnell yet my body had different plans. I'd never slept at anyone's house, I always felt unsafe to really leave my body unattended but on that couch at his house was different.

Everything was going good until I awoke the next morning on top of someone. I vaguely remember having the dream where my father dragged me back to him—and made me pay for leaving. It had felt so real. I couldn't do anything. I was weak as always, my body wouldn't fight back. He was on the verge of killing me when I heard Carnell's voice—I thought I was crazy for a second but it just didn't stop. It was as if he was pulling me away from it with just his voice and when I finally did return I cried. I couldn't stop the tears, I thought he would've left after that but he didn't-just rubbed my back until I'd finally fallen asleep.

When I woke up the second time, an arm was wrapped around my waist while I laid contently on the hard chest. I felt something hard under me and I made the mistake of moving. Worst mistake—the groans that came from above my head had me trying to move but the arm constricted me. Held me captive against the hard body and for some reason my body wanted to relax instead of panic.

But I was confused as to what was going on, "Either you stop moving or you'll get what you're moving on."


His voice made my body shiver, it was dripping with sleep and gravel. I blushed trying to pull away but was failing until I heard a chuckle that's when he let me go. I've never gotten up so fast in my life. What was going on? I didn't remember us coming to bed! Definitely not together.

He was staring at me, as if he wanted to say something but he didn't he stayed silent. Quietly observing as always. I tried to keep my eyes from roaming but I failed. Utterly, pathetically failed, all his dark skin and tattoos were on display. I blushed while my eyes followed his abs on its own accord. There were eight in total my eyes kept roaming and the tint in the shorts he was wearing made me take a step back.

I turned around my cheeks hot but I didn't know what else to do. When arms wrapped around my waist I squealed, but Nell just kissed my cheek before letting go, "Goodmorning cutie."

That was why I was staying away from him, what would you do? He was acting different and I didn't know what was wrong—he'd touch me, smile, call me names. It was confusing me, Seriously messing with my brain. I thought he was straight? He was, I knew he was. Maybe I was just reading into things and he was just being friendly? Very affectionate which was weird from the handsome mysterious guy. That wasn't at all Carnell he only really showed his emotions to Kaiden.

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