Chapter 11.

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Carnell Pov

"P-Pl-Please." Damn his voice right now made me want to fuck him while he screamed my name. I had planned to find someone to fuck without seeing him tonight but that hadn't went to plan. My day had already been fucked up by the Germans but to walk into the motherfucking party to see him giggling with that Noah dude only pissed me off further.

I went to roll and smoke only to come back with them dancing on each other—it was none of that. Giovanni was mine and anyone who thought of touching him will have another thing coming. I bet Noah won't think that shit sweet no more. Even with me kicking Noah ass in the background, Gio still danced as if he was lost to the music. As if his surroundings wasn't his focus and the sad part was, when my attention had turned back to him I just wanted to watch him so he'd be safe.

I won't even lie he surprised me when he kissed me, it didn't help that I was ready to flip him over the couch and fuck him so everyone could see that he was mine. I had to control myself, just needed a breather after he was moving on my dick like it was nothing. I didn't even mean to make little shawty cry and seeing him run off like that made my heart clench.

My attention turned back to him as he grinds into my hand, when I came in here I wanted to make him feel better but kissing him was one of the best damn things I've ever done. I usually didn't let hoes kiss me but with Gio I didn't think I wanted to stop. At first he was cautious as if not knowing what to do but after a while of my tongue exploring his mouth he joined.

I gripped his shirt pulling it over his head, he blushed trying to cover himself but I was having none of it. I wanted to see all of him and I mean all.

Flipping us I pinned his arms above his head while I watched the blush flow from his neck to his chest. "You're beautiful Giovanni." And he really was beautiful, I've never said a truer statement. I didn't know what gods made him but I wanted to thank them for it. I kissed him slowly—his lips were soft—when he opened I had to hold myself back as I tasted that sweetness. How does he taste so damn good? Like all your favorite things wrapped in one.

The moan I got for it had me pulling back, he was trying to grind into me but I moved so I was sitting In between his legs. I'd done my research. I knew what needed to be done, I just sat there while he panted with his eyes closed.

He was so fucking sexy it should've been a sin. His hips jerked and I watched as he blindly reached for me. "Please."

When he didn't grab me his eyes slowly opened. We stared at each other before I smirked, reaching over his body into the bedside table I grabbed the lube. His eyes widened and his breathing accelerated as we stared at each other, kissing him quickly so his head wouldn't get in the way. My eyes watched as little by little he was exposed, his blue eyes seemed to darken even more as I watched his chest rise and fall.

It was so hard just looking at his flushed pale skin had me on the verge of coming but I wouldn't do anything until he gave permission. "Are you sure Gio?" He nodded, biting his lip but I wanted words, "Words Giovanni."


Satisfied with that answer I grabbed the lube making sure my hand was slick enough before I grabbed his dick. He jerked against me letting out a throaty groan that had me unbuckling my jeans. I stroked him slowly watching as his legs shook before I snaked my hand to his pucker. The scream I got had me chuckling before rubbing lube on those fingers, I managed to get the one halfway in before he stilled as if the new feeling was weird. I made sure it was enough lube. The last thing I wanted to do was hurt my baby.

As he adjusted to that finger I worked my way up slowly to three, I knew he was going to need it. "Argh..." I stared at him as he moved his hips against my finger as if not knowing which friction he wanted more. Angling my finger I knew I found his spot when he jolted upright with a scream and his eyes widened. "I-I."

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