Chapyer 30.

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Chapter 30.
Giovanni POV
The Woman

For a second I zoned out of Kai and Carnell's conversation. I had a weird feeling that someone was watching us, I've had it before but it was never like this. It was as if it was coming from two different directions yet that would've been nearly impossible. What were the odds of two people watching us at the same exact time but from opposite directions? It was pretty low. I mean it could've been like those cop shows but they usually had one car unless they were picking someone up. I didn't think this was the police although it could've been. 

I tried to brush the feeling off. We were supposed to be enjoying ourselves and letting Kai have fun. Yet the last time I felt like this someone tried to kill us and our child. That couldn't happen again especially now since we had Kai here, I didn't know what I should do. I looked around; ahead of us first since that's where I thought they'd be but I didn't see anything out of the ordinary. People walked, talked, and laughed. They were all in their own worlds minding their business, no one really looked for too long and if they did it was at Carnell. I didn't blame them though, he and Kai looked amazing right now. I even caught myself staring at him.

I looked around, nothing seemed to be causing the uneasy feeling though. I did a quick glance behind me so I wouldn't get left behind or have Carnell suspect anything. The last thing I wanted to do was ruin our day out, especially since Kai was looking forward to this. I'm pretty sure Nell was too since he's been stressed from everything that's been happening. It all added to him being ten times more overprotective. I had "new friends" at school because of it.

From the date to the meeting plus it seemed whatever this Damien thing was, were making it even worse. I've heard the guards mention the name but it wasn't more than that and when I do try to listen they stop talking. Carnell explained everything except who he was and it made me wonder why.

Who was this Damien guy?

Just as I was thinking that my eyes locked with an older woman across the street and I almost tripped over my feet. That was beyond weird and it caught me off guard. Having to look away to gather my footing when I finally looked back she wasn't there. I stopped completely and tried to find her but I just couldn't. It wasn't like there were a lot of people on that side of the street, it just seemed she disappeared. Where did she disappear to? Where could she have even gone that fast? She didn't have the time to go anywhere, if i was being honest I wasn't looking away for long! More importantly, why was she staring at me? I didn't recognize her, not even a little bit but with how she was looking at me. It was as if she despised me, It was a creepy feeling.

I shivered thinking about it. It was weird, maybe she wasn't looking at me at all. We could've looked at each other at the same exact time. But I had that feeling again. That she knew exactly what she was doing and it wasn't a coincidence that she was staring at me. I wondered if she knew Carnell.


I just didn't get why she would be staring at me of all people. We've never met before, at least not that I know of. I'm pretty sure if we did meet I would've remembered something like that. I haven't met too many women since I moved here and before I didn't really like human interactions. Especially grown ups and the ones I did meet were usually because of the man who took care of me. I tried to remember their faces because there was a lot of different stuff they could've been into. Especially dealing with him. So maybe I forgot? I don't think I did though.

"Gio?" I jumped when I heard Carnell's voice and looked away from where the woman was at first. I wanted to know where she disappeared to and why it seemed she was staring at us. She had to be one of the people that were following us. Nothing else would make sense although I probably sounded crazy. "Yo you good?"

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