Chapter 33.

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Let me tell y'all why it took so long to update. It wasn't even my fault. First I got a new job, and the men there are whew 😭. I'm working with a bunch of country ass bikers and it was like most of them fell out the sky just for a story. I should be working and I'm thinking of different stories I can use them for😭 I hammered my damn finger the other day doing just that, shit hurt like hell.

Anyways enjoy


Chapter 33
Giovanni POV

I didn't understand. It wasn't like this when Carnell or Gregory was training me. Even when I hadn't known who Gregory was, it wasn't like this. It didn't make any sense. They were actually swinging at me, knocking me down and not once did anything like this take place. Why was it happening now?

I didn't understand but knew I had to leave. I had to get out of that house. Yet I wasn't sure which house I was attempting to escape from.

I couldn't breathe.

My chest felt as if a truck was placed on it as I watched Blac swing at Carnell. I knew Carnell was playing around and would kill him eventually everyone could see it but it didn't matter. Every time Blac would swing I felt myself flinch and every time I flinched I was being pulled back to that house with my father.

I don't remember leaving out. I honestly don't remember much of anything after Blac finally landed a punch to Carnell. I watched as Nell spit the blood out his mouth and I could taste it in my own but there wasn't anything actually there.

What I did remember was what I wished I could forget.

I remembered the first time as if it had just happened. I'd been staying with him for a month and it had been okay. It wasn't idle but I knew it was way better than being in foster care or worse a group home so I didn't have much room to complain. I didn't even have a room to begin with but that wasn't anything new. I've never had a room of my own. I am used to it now.

At the time It didn't matter, I was just happy to be with him. One of my parents wanted me. We haven't talked much but I thought it was because we weren't used to each other yet. Maybe he wasn't used to being around children or didn't like them.

Maybe he thought I was like those other kids running around messing things up. I wasn't. I thought I was one of the good kids but maybe I wasn't.

I'd been trying to speak with him but it seemed like he didn't want anything to do with me. I wasn't a conversational person, I could never start one. Maybe he was the same but I didn't understand it at the time. He was my father, he was the one who agreed to get me out of the system so why didn't he want anything to do with me? Shouldn't he at least try and get to know me since I was in his house?

I was walking around the house trying to find something to do but I couldn't find anything. Plus I was getting hungry so I decided to head to the kitchen. He'd told me where I could go and where not to go throughout the house but the kitchen wasn't one of those places. When I'd made it there I was looking around, I didn't go into the kitchen much in the month I've been here so I didn't know which cabinets held what. I was looking for a spoon but couldn't find one so I started opening all of the drawers.

I opened one of the drawers and there was a lot of money. Like a ton just sitting in there. I didn't know how he'd managed to get it because where he was living wasn't much and there was enough money to move anywhere he wanted. At the time I didn't understand how he could have this much money yet wanted to live here. My eight year old self just stood there staring at it before coming to my senses and getting ready to walk off.

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