Chapter 6.

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Giovanni Pov

He was here. The guy I've been hoping to see and wishing never to cross paths with was sitting across from me and Mikey. The same one who kept popping up in my dreams even if I knew nothing about him other than he was handsome. And that was the understatement of the year—he was beyond handsome and his eyes. They were just so blue and intense when he looked at me as if he was staring into my soul.

I've never seen anyone with eyes like his. Yet, Carnell looked better than any other person could ever look. His blue eyes fit him to perfection and more than once I had to stop myself from staring.

He introduced himself as Carnell before we left the mall and I nearly fainted once again when he spoke to me. I didn't know Mikey knew him! Let alone was his baby's godfather. Kaiden was a adorable little boy to say the least too—watching him and his father interact was so cute that I found myself just smiling at them. Yet every time I did Carnell would look at me as if knowing I was watching and it just serves to embarrass me. I was so tired of my cheeks being red and stuttering every time he spoke—yet I couldn't change it.

When he looked at me I felt butterflies invading my stomach, as if they were trying to find a way out. My heart was no better beating so fast I thought I'll have a heart attack. It was confusing me, I knew he wasn't into guys I'd heard it when I brought Kaiden back over to them in zumiez but it didn't matter.

My heart still pumped as if it had a chance which it definitely didn't.

Kaiden was the cutest kid I've ever seen and when he came up to me with the sweetest expression on his face I fell in love. He asked me something about 'bird the bees'. To say I was confused was an understatement—that was until I asked Mikey and he whispered what it meant. I never turned so red in my life. Why was a little boy asking about that! I've never heard of it, then I remembered him asking his dad for a sister.

I tried keeping my focus on Kaiden because if I didn't my eyes would go straight back to Carnell which they kept doing anyway. Even in the movie theater where it's dark I kept peeking, hoping not to get caught being a weirdo. Kaiden insisted that he sit on his daddy lap while me and Mikey sat on opposite sides of them in case he wanted to move—which he did a lot. Well he didn't say those exact words but he sat us where he wanted.

For half the movie I had no clue what happened, Carnell leg kept bumping mines or I was bumping him. It had to be the first one because I was as still as a statue trying not to move in any kind of way. At one part Kaiden climbed in my lap while Carnell went to do something out of the theater, I had no idea what but when he came back he seemed pleased I guess you could say.

I thought I was doing good throughout the movie but when the movie was over and we were leaving I almost fell down the steps. He had asked if I liked the movie and I missed a step. Thinking I was going to go tumbling down I tried to prepare myself but strong arms held me before I could fall. Only for me to blush when I saw who it was, he and Micheal laughed as if it was funny and it only made me wish I had fallen because that embarrassment would've felt more doable than this.

I had no clue what he was doing to me.

"Giovanni." I blinked back the memories and turned towards Mikey, "You Okay?"

I tried not to look around the table but failed, Carnell was watching me with those gorgeous eyes. "I'm..I'm f-fine."

He looked as if he was about to say something else but was cut off. "Daddy! Gio pretty right?" My eyes widen at the question Kai asked and I could feel my cheeks heating up.

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