Chapter 28.

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Before y'all even start reading I wanna say I actually rushed this. I literally just found out it's been almost three months since I posted. Like damn talk about slacking. Anyways it might seemed rushed and I'm sorry for that. Tried to give y'all something to make up for it, ofc in time I'll come back and rewrite this entire chapter in a way it doesn't mess with future chapters. Hopefully y'all do like what's written and don't try to come for my head. Enjoy 😬.


Chapter Twenty-Eight
Carnell POV

"You need something, Mr. J?" I didn't have to take my eyes off the ceiling to know it was him. Mr and Mrs. Johnson, it depends on the day for Gregory, but those three were the only workers who would enter or show up unannounced. The thing was I didn't really see Mr. and Mrs. Johnson as my workers, they were family in some ways. Everyone else valued their life too much to blatantly disrespect me like that, even when it was important business they didn't step foot in here without knocking or permission. I only knew it was him and not his wife or Gregory because he's been showing up from time to time this week. Pretty sure he had something to either ask or tell me.

My mind turnt to the one thing I didn't want to think about but needed to. I needed to find everything on and anyone working with this dude. At first I was intrigued by the balls he had to challenge me, I couldn't even be upset. He wasn't even a priority. Now they were just annoying me. Shit was getting outta hand and I was ready to kill everybody's ass after what went down last night. Involved or not.

At first I would've said everything went according to plan for a first date. I didn't do romantic shit like that but for Giovanni I'd find a way to move mountains and more. Plus to add to it, the date was going good as hell at first. Better than I expected. It should've ended fucking 'perfect' but it was far from that. Other than little shit here and there like folks coming up to interrupt us we didn't really have problems. At first that is. In fact most of the 'problems' either fascinated or intrigued me to a fault—. It was mainly older folks coming up to congratulate me on different things like settling down as if this was the damn sixties and me and gio were planning a wedding. A few were congratulations for the legal businesses I had a hand in—the ones they actually 'accepted in their heads', others were people trying their hardest to kiss up to me.

The last of the bunch I found much more fucking annoying, to the point I'm pretty sure Gio felt the same way.

It wasn't like that shit would work or help me notice any of them. And if It magically did, it was most likely to have them killed for interrupting my time with Giovanni or me killing them myself for the hell of it. I mean we ain't go on that date for stupid shit like that.

While I was trying my hardest to keep my irritation away and not kill everyone in there like I wanted to and planned too if not for my date. Gio was being the shy but sweet person he was by keeping up the conversations. With him not liking to be in the presence of new people he was nice to everyone. Even if they didn't deserve it. While I was on the verge of letting my anger take over at one point, hearing my baby laugh held it at bay. For a while that was.

I mean for a first date it was going better than what I expected I guess and by the end I had him so close to the damn edge that he could've flown right off. Wanting to kiss him one last time before we left got me in that mess. The kiss was supposed to have him thinking and all that good shit on our ride over but that ain't go to plan. Gio was pure temptation—I doubt he even realizes it but little dude drives me crazy and ain't nobody ever did that. Made me feel whole as much as I hated that cheesy ass shit, it was true. That was why the plan backfired. I was so close to fucking him in 'Le palais familial' that I shocked myself when I pulled back. With willpower I usually ain't have with or around Giovanni. Dude fucked with my restraints which was usually good but I was always failing when he was around because he drive me fucking insane. I had good control but when it came to him, it all went to hell.

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