Chapter 23

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"You have to look better, Cheonsa" her mother blubbers out as Cheonsa's hair is braided by the hairstylist and the makeup artist is putting light makeup on her.

She rolled her eyes, "The deal is to get me married to him not to impress him. No matter how I look, the deal wouldn't change anyway. Tsss..." she hissed.

After a while, they're done doing their jobs; making her prettier with her hair braided nicely and a light makeup applied on her face. She's wearing a blue cocktail dress and a black stiletto that makes her a real lady with Kris' yellow scarf in her right hand.

Luhan walks towards her, "Do you need an escort, my lady?"

"Yah" she annoyingly said.

He chuckled, "But it's your birthday, you know? We could have held a grand birthday party since it's your 18th year"

"Tss... I don't need a grandiose birthday party as long as you and the most important persons celebrate my day with me, it's enough" she smiles slyly.

Luhan snorted, "Aigoo... my dongsaeng learns a lot of cheesy lines eh?" he pinched her cheek lightly. "Leggo? Your fiancé must have been waiting for you already" he breathed out, annoyed at the thought she is engaged to an unknown guy again.


"Good evening Joowoo and Myeon-ah... wait, where is Suho?" Chundong asks the couple as he can't see the young man his daughter is marrying with.

Luhan rolled his eyes, "Tss... what a gentleman" he mumbled and got a glare from his father.

"Anyway, these are my children. Luhan, my eldest, and Cheonsa, my little princess" he introduced them to the couple while Luhan and Cheonsa bowed awkwardly.

'Tss... what's with abeoji? Calling me little princess?' she irritatingly thought, trying to hide her disgusted face. "Mannaseo bangawoyo" she sweetly smiled at them.

"Omo~! My son is so lucky to be marrying you" the woman, named Myeon-ah, approaches her and holds her hands. "You are such a gorgeous young lady"

All she could do is smile and nod while the couple compliments her in either her looks for this night and her awards in school since young. "Ah, ne... I turned 18 this day"

"Oh? Then why you didn't give her a grand 18th birthday party, Chundong?" Joowoo asks him. "Everyone should know that she's a legal daughter of yours"

"Yeobo" Myeon-ah softly says, reminding him not to drag the issue before in their dinner. "Anyway... maybe she just wants a simple party, right?"

"Ne... Abeoji, eomma, and oppa would be fine as my guests"

"You're like Suho, such a simple man. I'm sure, you'll get along well" Cheonsa only smiled at her. "Su---Oh! Here he is!" she beams and Cheonsa turns to see him.

"You?!!" Cheonsa screeches.

He bows, "Annyeong Cheonsa"

"Oh, it's good to hear that you both know each other" Chundong speaks up. "Have a seat Suho"

"Gomapseumnida abeonim" he smiles, bowing, and takes a seat opposite to her. "I'm sorry for being late. I got stuck in the traffic though since there's a car accident near the Han River Bridge"

Suho and Cheonsa have been given a time to talk to each other after dinner. Suho leads the way towards the park of their hotel that would soon to open to the public. "I got surprised" she started.

"Of what?"

"That the guy I'm actually marrying with is you" she sits on the bench and looks up in the sky. "I don't want to get married" she mumbles then looks down.

"With me?" he sat beside her. "I know that... but a deal is a deal. Business is a business. Love should be set apart"

"You only think marriage is business?"

"It's a contract. Business is a contract. So as marriage is a business" she looks at him, disappointed at his idea. But she can't do anything about his perspective as he can't do anything about hers, right? Opinion would still be an opinion.

He scoots towards her, close enough that their faces are only two inches apart. Her eyes widen, "What are you doing?" he holds her by her arms, pulling her close to him. "Yah, let me go" she grits between her teeth.

'Yifan' his eyes changes its color in a second and then it turns back to normal that she didn't notice it. His right arm wrapped around her shoulder, leaning into her neck to get Yifan's smell off her and replacing his, while his other arm wraps around her waist to pull her close to him.

"J--Joonmyeon-sshi" her voice stuttering while she tries to break free from his grasp. "L-Let go, je-jebal"

He gulped hardly, knowing he went over his limit on the touching stuff. "Mianhae" he mumbled. He shut his eyes close for a while and then signed heavily, his breath visible.

"Joonmyeon-sshi, gwaenchana?" she asked thoughtfully.

He smiles his million-dollar smile, "I'm okay but please call me Suho... I prefer to be called in that name." He fishes something inside his suit; "By the way, I got you something" he got a rectangular box from his suit and opens it for her. "I hope you like my gift; I personally made the design for you since I haven't got you any present last year"

She stared at it for a while then eventually got it from the box. "Thanks" his gift is a necklace; its design is a musical note and an angel's wings. "It's pretty"

He smiled heavenly, "I'm glad you like it... I'll help you wear it" she handed him the necklace and turned her back on him, brushing away her hair from her neck area for him to put the necklace on. "You look good on it" he complimented.

"Thanks for this... it's so pretty" she repeated her comment.


"I'll send you home?" Tao offers, wearing one strap of her bag.

Her eyes widened, "Oh, no need... Kris oppa would be here to pick me up" she bit her tongue inside after seeing the sparkling eyes of Tao turned to its gloomy state. She just smiled at him, "Tomorrow, I promise... we'll go to the Seoul Street and full our tummies with foodies! So don't despair, alright?"

In the end, Tao just settled sending you only towards the school gates. "Bye, Cheonnie... you're promise tomorrow, alright? Don't forget and break it or you'll know what would happen" he pouted cutely and she giggled.

"Of course, I won't!" she said, waving goodbye, and he did the same to her.

Kris suddenly appeared from nowhere, asking, "And what promise is that?" he got her bag from her light grasp.

"Huh?" she turned. "Oh... you're here already. I owe him a treat tomorrow after school" she smiles and holds his hand to take the first step to their way home when he pulls back. "Wae?"

"What's this?" he got the shiny object hanged around her neck. "And wait" he pulled her closer to him, leaning by her neck. By smelling the foreign scent instead of his, he frowned. 'Suho'

Kris was about to put his scent on her when someone called, "Cheonsa!" from behind. She looked by Kris' side to see her fiancé by his luxurious golden lamborghini.

She gulped nervously; she wasn't expecting this to happen so early. Her boyfriend meeting her fiancé. Her fiancé meeting her boyfriend.

"Suho" "Kris" they both called each other at the same time in a mumble. With Kris looking at him sternly while Suho is flashing a smile to both.

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