Chapter 27

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“Kris! Kris! Kris!” Cheonsa kept on shouting his name while her tears are flowing down her cheeks. “Yah! Let go of me! What about Kris?!” she tried to free herself from his grasp. “Sehun-ah!”

“No, we have to keep going... Everything would be fine” he tries to soothe her but in this kind of situation, he can’t make that happen. “Hyung” he turns to Jongdae.

Jongdae nods and shifts into his wolf form. Sehun holds onto her waist, “What are you doing? No! I’m not going to ride on him!” she protests but they didn’t bother.

“It would be easier to escape if only Jongin hyung is fine” Sehun muttered while putting her on his back. “Hold onto him tightly. Never let go, never look back” he instructed. “Take care of her, hyung”

“I will” he answered through their pack link and dashed off.

Sehun stepped forward towards the battle when he heard two loud bangs from a firearm. He reflexively turned his head back to their direction, running to them.

Jongdae is back in his human form; his right leg and right side of the body was shot by the gun. On the other hand, Cheonsa’s head strikes a large rock that causes her head to bleed. Although her vision starts to get blurry, “Oppa” she manages to speak while pointing her index finger.

 Sehun turned his head and paused the time, the bullet stops midair; everything pauses indeed.

Sehun opened his eyes, gulping hardly and barely breathing. He looked at his right side, seeing the older wolf sleeping soundly. He sighed, “I must tell them soon”


Cheonsa gasps, seeing the result. “A—Andwae” she looks at the mirror. “I’m not pregnant, am I?” she looks down again, staring at white stick with two lines. She looks up, back to the mirror, looking at herself. “No… of course I’m not. I should get a checkup to be sure---No, what if abeoji finds out? Eotteokhae!?” she holds her head, screaming.

Walking towards her bed, she reached for her mobile phone that was tossed on the bed along with the pregnancy test box. She dialed his phone number, “Oppa… jebal answer the phone. I need you right now. Answer the phone. Answer the phone” she kept on mumbling.

The door of your room wasn’t pushed close. He softly knocked, peering his head to see if you’re in. He smiled, “Cheonsa”

She was startled, eyes widening. “Suho oppa” she muttered in her breath. She looked down on her bed, Suho does the same.

“What was that?” he asked even he knew what was it.

“No—Nothing” she instantly got the box and went towards her bathroom to throw it in the trash bin.

Suho walks towards the bathroom doorstep and she bumps unto him since she is not really in her focus, “Woah” he holds her by her shoulders. He bends down to her eye level, “Gwaenchana?”

Her eyes wander, not focusing on anything. “Eotteokhae?” she mumbles before looking directly at his orbs. “Eotteokhae?” she repeats.

“Being worried won’t help you… You need to calm down, alright?” he consoled her and took her to her bed to take a seat. Suho got her swivel chair and sat opposite to her. “He is the baby’s father, isn’t it?”

“No, there is no baby in me… the pregnancy test might be wrong” ‘I’m not ready to be a mother yet… how am I supposed to finish my studies?’ she furrowed her brows, looking down.

“There is” Suho holds her hand and squeezed it lightly. Wolves do know whenever there is life inside a woman because of the two heartbeats heard from them, hers and her baby’s. “I shouldn’t be asking this by this time but” he pauses for a while. “No, I’ll take him or her as my child”

“Mwo?” she reflexively asked, looking directly into his eyes.

“You would be in trouble if I won’t claim the baby as mine. My father would probably know about it---but I can handle him. I am worried of what will your father do to you, if he’ll know I am not your baby’s father” he cups her face. “We won’t wait any longer for another month. Tomorrow, we’ll get married and you’ll move to my unit. There, I could take good care of you and we will make them believe you got pregnant during our marriage. Your father won’t question that, will he?”

Cheonsa looks up at the starry night, “Marrying Suho oppa? Tomorrow?” she caresses her flat stomach. “Kris is the one I wanna marry with--I want to marry with your appa” she presses her lips in a thin line, looking nowhere. “But he won’t answer my calls, how would he suppose to know about you?”


Yifan runs towards Junki’s cell location and followed by Minseok, Jongin, Jongdae, and Sehun. He looks at the cell; the person inside it wasn’t the same person before.

“Are you the one who let that insurgent escape?” Jongin teleports in the cell; bending to grip the guy harshly by his collar since he was sitting down. “Answer me!”

“Jongin” Yifan calls, his voice is calm but his face is furious. Jongin releases him and appears back right bside them. By then, the cell is opened; he walks forward and kneels in front of him. “You don’t need to lie, stupid” he spats. “You never learned about my capacity, do you? No matter how you try to cover things up, I’ll always find what the truth is” he says, barely touching his face down to his neck.

Suddenly, Yifan’s eyes glowed blue; indicating his anger. He gripped on the traitor’s neck tightly, making him yelp. “Hyung” Sehun spoke. “We can use him, don’t kill him yet”

Yifan smirked, releasing his tight grasp and standing up. “I don’t need him any further.” He turned to the three pack members. “End that traitor’s life; I’ve got the information I needed”

As they were walking back to the hall, “Jongdae, Jongin… take a look at Cheonsa. She’s the main target of that pest”

“Ne” they sync in response.

He stopped from his tracks and looked at them, “Suho… tell him about this. He’s of use by now”

The two wolves nodded and together they headed to her location.

Sehun calls him again and is about to speak when Yifan cuts him off, “I know what you’re thinking… that wouldn’t happen. She and Jongdae will be alright. No one is gonna die”

ME and the WOLFㅣKris WuWhere stories live. Discover now