Chapter 37

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Arriving at the Song residence, Kris was greeted by some maids. "Where is Choonhee?" he asked, Yeji's mother, Chaeyoung.

"She's in the play room with Jihyun"

He stopped her from calling the little girl for him to call her on his own, "Choonhee-ah~~!"

The five year old girl ran out from the room as soon as she heard her father's voice from outside, "Papa!" she raised her arms up for her to be carried by him. "Are we going home already? Where is Mama? Is she not with you Papa?" she bombarded him with questions.

"Aren't you going to kiss Papa first for my recharging? You know, Papa is tried from work right?" he says, pouting at her. He wasn't tried after all; he just met a new client to talk about the details he wanted for his house.

She giggled and pecked a kiss on his cheek, "Recharged!"

Then Kris pretended to be recharged, eyes-widened while smiling like a mad man before spinning her around, gaining delighted squeals from the little girl.

After several turns, he stopped, feeling dizzy and slumped on the couch before realizing the presence of soon-to-be-father-in-law. He placed Choonhee on the couch gently and stood to bow at him, "Annyeonghaseyo, Mr. Song"

He just gave a nod at him before asking, "Are you going to fetch her?" he asked.

"Yes, Sir. We'll be meeting Cheonsa in a coffee shop near her workplace"

Chundong calls one of the maids and tells her something. Going back, she hands something to Kris, "Car keys?" he asks him.

He nodded as an answer, "I heard you're car has been car-lifted" and to that Kris nodded. "Then have the car, I don't want seeing my daughter and granddaughter commuting their ways" he said before entering a room.

"Of course, he has to do so... I'm his daughter after all. He should realize that he has a good side in him soon" he was reminded of Cheonsa's words the day they live with him, which for him is the start of his wonderful life.

Kris was stunned to see the car he has been crushing on for almost a year right before his eyes. It was white-colored Bentley Continental. He has been saving to buy a car to use for his family but actually not this car, "Wow" he walked around it, memorizing its features.

"Papa? Aren't we going to Mama now?" Choonhee's voice snapped him from his trance.


"Mama, why is Papa taking so long?" Choonhee asked after slurping her favorite taro-flavored bubble tea and chewing the tapioca pearls of it; she and her mother has the same taste for milk teas indeed.

"I don't know. I was calling him but I can't he's unattended" she mumbled to herself and the little girl tilted her head in confusion to what her mother is saying. "Don't mind Mama, Choo-ah~"

Then an ice cream parlor not from a far got her attention, "Can we go there Mama?" pointing at the certain food outlet.

Walking towards the ice cream shop, they were greeted by a stranger reaching out a hand-sized wolf plushy. "Kamsahamnida" she thanked, smiling awkwardly.

A folded paper was pinned on its tongue, unfolding it she saw the message. I met you unexpectedly... never did I expect to meet you that one ordinary night.

Pretending to be your boyfriend was hard for me but I thought, I had to cherish every moment being with you.

We broke up twice right? I'm sorry...

I'm afraid; I might hurt you again and fail as your partner and Choonhee's father. I feel unworthy of you.

And so, I never thought of having my third chance on you...

But you accepted me thrice again, and by this time... I promise myself not to let you go anymore.

I'll keep you by my side. I'll keep you with me. I'll keep you for only for me.

"Papa~!" Choonhee sweetly calls and releases her mother's hand, running towards her father. She looked straight to see him, her tears run down her cheeks.

He is standing a few meters away from her and behind him were the people close to her heart: her parents, her brother, her best friend slash sister-in-law, her ex-crush, her two ex-fiances, and the four boys who helped and saved her many times.

"Good job sweetheart~" he ruffled her hair before she walked towards her grandmother.

Kris straightens his posture and inhales deeply before exhaling audibly. He is kind of tense; doing this kind of proposal is so new to him. He shakes his sweaty hands, clearing his throat. "I-uhm..."

He bit his tongue inside his mouth for being tongue-tied. He had prepared the whole month to come up with such and right now he can't say anything, it disappoints him. "I-"

"You what?" she asked impatiently. "Ask me already you babo!"

He chuckled nervously, "Don't pressure me! It's my first time asking you something like this; of course I'll get nervous. I'm actually asking you to marry me, how could I not get nervous?" he was shocked hearing himself saying those. This is so not him, 'Wu Yifan, you definitely are a mess!'

"You want to get married with me?"

Kris walked near her, stopping a feet away from her, "Don't ask that, I should be the one asking that question" he muttered before kneeling in one knee, fishing out a red velvet box from his pocket.

"Remember two years ago? I told you that I would never waste my third chance on you?" she nodded not trusting her voice that may crack any time. "So..." he opened the box; the pink diamond ring, he had saved for those past two years, sitting neatly inside. "Will you take the risk to spend your lifetime with me? Will you marry me and become Mrs. Wu Cheonsa?"

Her tears were unstoppable as soon as he showed the ring and uttered those words. He never asked her the one of that famous line, 'will you be my girlfriend?' before. Such question made her confound, that is why it seems like forever before she could voice her response.

"Yah~" Kris vexed voice says and that anxiety paints all over his face too.

She bit her lips before nodding, reaching out her left hand to him.


"Yes! I will marry you Kris!" she repeatedly answered and with that Kris immediately slipped the ring through her finger.

She pulled her up and hugged him tight, "Thank you. Thank you. Thank you" he mumbled, kissing her temple in happiness.

ME and the WOLFㅣKris WuWhere stories live. Discover now