Chapter 10

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The werewolves surrounded their dead alpha, howling all together. The beta shifts back into its human form and later the others shifts back too.

“Abeoji… what are we going to do now? Alpha Jang’s dead already” his youngest son, Jongin, asks behind him.

He sighed before answering his son in his low volume, “We’ll go find the heiress”

The pack gathered in their hall in the middle of a forest. They were noisy when Jongseok, the beta, growled to silent them.

“Who would lead the pack now?!” “What will happen to our pack?” “Will Yellowstone Pack part now?”  troubled-werewolves asked in unison.

“Slowly… we’ll solve this problem, okay?” Jongseok calmed the pack, soon they kept silent.

“What about the heiress?” a werewolf near the deceased-alpha’s age asked. Mumbles are heard in the hall once again asking why she would go back the pack when she was exiled already.

“Jang Haeeun?” Jongseok asks, Haeeun was his childhood friend but he treats her more than that. However, she chose a human other than him that caused her banishment from the pack.

“She’s the only remaining heiress alive… and this time the pack needs her”

“Minseok, Jongdae, and Jongin… I assigned you to find her in Seoul as soon as possible” Jongseok commanded.


Cheonsa slowly gained up her consciousness, darkness engulfs her eyes. However, a familiar built caught her attention. She squints her eyes to clear who he was or who she was.

“Finally you woke up” a voice of a girl says and the built walks up to her, revealing her face to Cheonsa. “Annyeong, miss me?”

“Xianzi” Cheonsa mumbles.

She smiled at her, “Exactly… How many days was I absent? 2, 4, 6… Ahhhh, it has been a week” she counted on her fingers. “It has been a week too since Tao broke up with me”

Cheonsa grunted, “Babo… you are the reason behind your broke up”

Xianzi held her hand up and slapped her hard on the cheek. “How dare you blame me? It was your fault… it was your entire fault”

“Of what? That I told him about you getting pregnant by some other guy?!” she reflexively answered.


Kris frantically runs to the rest house they were staying in, he snuffles. “Wolves” he mumbled and dropped the ingredients on the floor, running outside.

ME and the WOLFㅣKris WuWhere stories live. Discover now