Chapter 1

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A wolf howled loudly in the forest, “Awwwwooooo”

“Oppa? Have you heard that?” she clings on his arms. That howl gives her goose bumps, it really creeps her out.

“It’s just a dog or maybe perhaps a wolf, Cheonsa” he sarcastically said and grins with his fake fangs since he’s a vampire for the night but lets her cling anyways.

“Oh, yeah? The girl-looking guy beside me is very courageous” she teased and got daggers from him. She smirked, “Don’t stare; you are not intimidating as long as you have that face. Luhan, the goddess deer”

“Aisssh… you naughty brat” he pokes her forehead playfully, she only drop the oppa.

They finally reached a part of the forest wherein they set the party.

A taller guy with dark circles around his eyes but he’s healthy nevertheless in a prince-like costume approached them. “Hyung!” they did their signature hug.

“Annyeong Cheonnie” he smiled and waved frantically and patted her head. “You still look cute even in a witch costume”

Her eyes shine in the moonlight and she blushed. “Gomawoyo Tao oppa” she said shyly. Tao dragged her with him but in a nice way. Luhan was blocked by his fan girls, as a good guy he greets them.

A waiter passed by them and offered them drinks, “Cheon, have a drink” Tao handed the other glass to her.

Luhan saw that Tao got two glasses of drinks so he excuses himself from the girls. “Yah!” he filches the glass from his sister. “You still can’t drink arasseo?” he nagged at her. “And you Taozi, she’s still 16. You know she still can’t drink alcohol”

“What 16? I’m still 15~!” Cheonsa retorted.

“You’ll eventually turn 16 in the incoming year” Luhan says, patting her head.

Alcohol is allowable in the party since the partygoers are all 18 and 19, except for Cheonsa. But even though she is almost 3 years younger than him, she is a next his level in high school.

“Don’t worry hyung, I ask for a juice only for her to that waiter. Of course, I won’t let her drink alcohol”

She has liked the juice and drank 3 glasses already until her body asks for her to pee.

“Oppa, I’ll just walk around” 

“Okay, but don’t go far and be safe” Luhan reminded and she just nodded.


“Hell that noise!” A very tall young man growls in anger. He has never heard such noise for the past 14 years since they had moved in the middle of the forest.

“Awwwwooooo” he howled loudly in his veranda to scare them but that didn’t scare them at all.

He sat on the couch and flipped on his baby albums, “I wonder when I can be the Wu Yifan just like before. Carefree” He closes the book when the clock strikes 10:00 in the evening. “They’re almost here; I need to do something with those shit beings”

He stormed out from their house, “Mister! Sir!” he turned to his right, seeing a witch trapped in his appa’s trap.

“Whoaaah, witch in a trap?” he said laughing. ‘A cute witch is trapped’

She rolled her eyes at him, ‘Tch, arrogant.’ She composes herself, she needs help this time and so getting piss isn’t an option. “Please, help me get out of here?”

ME and the WOLFㅣKris WuWhere stories live. Discover now