Chapter 17

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“Have you taken your dinner already?”

“Yes, I’m done eating. Did they ask you to call me again?” Cheonsa asked over the phone.

Yixing chuckles softly, rubbing his nape. “Yes, but I really want to call you actually”

“Oh… then why? Don’t tell me you miss me, huh?” she joked, giggling.

He purred, “Yes, I miss you although I just sent you home not long ago”

She was taken aback, “Yixing-ah… you know----”

“Abnida… And I won’t force myself to you” she hummed, silencing. “Have a good sleep, Cheonsa. I love you”

Cheonsa smiled, “Ne… good night Xingie” and she hung up, putting her phone aside.

“I never thought he’ll love you” a voice said from behind, she turned to see her brother, leaning against the wall while arms crossed. “I always think he has feelings for her in fact”

She smiled, “Stop sneaking up on me oppa. It’s not that I’m pushing you out from our house but aren’t you going to your home yet?”

“This is my home, Cheonsa” Luhan says, walking to her and crouching down to pat Wuwu’s head. “You’ve grown wider Wuwu” he compliments the dog, who is lying underneath Cheonsa’s feet.

“For sure, she’ll call anytime soon to ask you to come home already” she said and as if on cue, his phone rings. “I said so, go home already or she’ll tell abeoji again and another Home War would occur”

Luhan rolls his eyes, “Fine, I’ll get going” he says, kissing her temple before running towards his car.

“Drive home safely~!” she cooed and he nodded, entering his car and drove back to his condominium unit. “Aigoo… I wished oppa would not have to move through but maybe it’s better since I won’t have to befriend with his… ack! Wife. Don’t you think, Wuwu?” she said while caressing the dog’s back with his feet.

Then suddenly, Wuwu stands up, wagging his tail, and runs towards the gate, barking. “Yah… keep quiet, the neighbors are already asleep” she told it but it wasn’t listening instead it barks louder.

She sighed, “Fine, but we won’t take long” and she opened the gate, the dog dashes frantically to something.

She caught up to Wuwu, who is now biting someone’s pants, his built was familiar but she shrugged it since her dog is basically tearing his pants up. “Yah…” her voice is stern; breath is visible in the air.

Wuwu eventually released him, sitting politely in between them while wagging his tail in happiness.

“Joesong---” she was surprised to see him. “Kris…” her voice trails off. “I… didn’t’ recognize it was you”

He chuckled lowly, “That’s alright, I don’t expect you too” he coolly said, brushing his fringe, which had reached his brows now, up with his gloved-hand.

“It-It’s been a while. You look good in your black hair” she complimented, not really knowing what to say.

“Yes and thank you. You look blooming too, maybe because you’re getting married?” he almost stumbles on his words but manages to reply.

She blinked a multiple times before speaking, “About that… Did Xingie oppa told you he would get you as his best man?”

‘She even gave him a nickname that she never did to me’ he gritted but managed to smile, “I am not attending”

ME and the WOLFㅣKris WuWhere stories live. Discover now