Chapter 26

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“What do you mean you want her? She’s mine” he gritted between his teeth. “A deal is a deal. You’ll have the pack and I’ll have her, we’re even”

“What do you mean deal? I didn’t engage in a deal. She’s mine first not yours” he spats back. “I don’t care about your fucking engagement, she’s mine and will never be yours” he steps forward towards the shorter lad, assuring he is sending him death glares.

Suho suddenly transformed into a wolf, a white wolf with yellow orbs. Kris shifted into his black wolf, bigger than the other. Both are walking in circle, looking fiercely at each other but their eyes kept its color in yellow despite their grudge feeling.

“You can’t take her away from me, I’m her fiancé” Suho said through his mind.

“And I’m her boyfriend… I got her heart” If Kris was in his human form by now, for sure he is smirking broadly and proudly at Suho. “Right from the start, she’ll always choose me over you”

By that, the white wolf launches to the black one, biting on its neck area. Kris snarled loudly, it can damage an ear of a nearby human, and pushed him away, leaving a scratch on his left cheek. Kris’ blood is dripping as Suho’s fangs penetrate deeply on his neck. He shifts back to his human form, holding his wound for pressure to not lose too much blood.

Suho landed hard on the ground but he was still able to stand back and charged towards Kris, pushing him down; his paw on Kris’ chest, strangling him. “The pack won’t let you be with her either so get your fucking presence off us, understood?”

Suddenly a golden brown wolf appeared, pushing Suho off the weakened Kris. Jongin was the wolf, “I’ll take him, hyung” he said to Minseok.

Minseok glares at Suho, “What the heck are you doing?!”


Going to her own room, her phone rang on the bed. She immediately walked in, looking at the screen; her heart skipped its beat. Kris calling… “Yeoboseyo? Oppa, I missed you” she cooed, totally longing to hear his deep voice, she missed to hear for a week. But there was a silence, only Kris’ breath was audibly heard. “Oppa?”

Then she suddenly heard a knock from her room’s veranda, she frowned but went towards the door anyways, still her phone is by her ear. “Suho” she called, turning the doorknob and opening the door. She was surprised at his abrupt appearance but what more surprises her is that… his yellow orbs.

 “You’re a wolf” Cheonsa weakly says, stepping forward towards him. “What happened?” she cups his face, touching his wound on his left cheek lightly.

Suho cupped her face and leaned to kiss her lips directly. She tried to break free from him but failed, he was too strong for her to pull away from the kiss so she stopped. But she never replied to his kisses and all she could do was to cry. He realized she was crying and pulled away, “I—I’m sorry” he said, wiping her tears.

ME and the WOLFㅣKris WuWhere stories live. Discover now