Final Chapter

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As the door finally opened, my heart beats thrice faster than a while ago. The sunbeams even made her shine in her white wedding gown. Without me realizing, a tear slipped through my cheek, I waved at her and I saw her smile as a response to me. Tears dwelling in my eyes were uncontrollably streaming down my face, I felt being the happiest man alive right now.

I felt a pat on my shoulder; it was Minseok hyung before handing me a white handkerchief. I looked at the other guys, they are all here as my grooms-men. "Uljima" I read Suho's lips saying. And so I wiped my tears off with the handkerchief given.

In the middle of the way, her parents accompanied her towards her way. I was surprised to see tears pooling her father's eyes, he became a father to her and I was glad to see that finally.

Arriving at the altar, we gave hugs to each other and he told me something in whisper, "Please, take good care of my daughter. I trust her to you, son"

And tears escaped my eyes again; it's been a long time since I felt having a father, who will call me that address and accept me as a family. I missed my parents and I know, they are happy for me up above. I just nodded at him not relying on my voice right now.

Soon after, it's the time for our wedding vows. I fished a piece of paper from my pocket, I wrote the things I want to tell her knowing that my mind might be blank when this time comes. Holding the microphone before my mouth, "Song Cheonsa, do you know that aside from my mother; you are the first girl I've ever saw and held in my arms? Yes... and you unexpectedly captured my heart right on our first unexpected meeting in the woods. Without questions, we became together knowing what our hearts felt for each other. We faced many challenges and I was so weak those times that giving up on you was always the solution I came up to, I'm really sorry for being a coward. And I was stupid to do that because I felt soulless, useless, broken, and dead. But right now, we are standing right next to each other with our loved ones witnessing our love, I am certain that... from now onwards, I'll be with you 'till the end. We will never be separated again because our love will always bind us together and forever. Saranghae"

I hear her sniffle under the white veil covering her face; she's looking down as she wiped her tears away with her bare finger. "Oppa" she calls me. "I actually don't know what to say..." she whines and that made us all chuckle. "I forgot all those words I memorized last night so... Kris Wu, Wu Yifan" she paused for a while and took a deep breath. "I can't thank God enough for giving you to me, my partner, and my home. Our marriage won't be perfect, we'll bicker, sulk... and name all those challenges a married couple will experience, but that; I know will only make us stronger. I will treasure each day being with you and express how deep my love is for you. I love you too, Wu Yifan!"


Two years after, Choonhee has been blubbering of having a sibling already. She was envious of her Jihyun oppa having instant two siblings, Jiyoung and Jiwon. They were expecting a single baby girl but they actually it was a fraternal twins of the same sex.

I want to have another baby too. I never experienced carrying Choonhee when she was still an infant and I regret that... but my wife is pro in changing the topic from it, talking about my work, hers, or whatsoever.

"I'm home!" I chanted and saw my Choonhee running towards me; I picked her up and carried her. "Where is Mama?"

But she wasn't able to answer me when I heard a roaring thunder from upstairs. "WU. YI. FAN!"

I set her down and reach out her treat since she did well in her previous examination; she's intelligent like her Mama. "I'll go meet Mama, you stay here alright?"

I entered the room, seeing her lying face flat on our king-sized bed. "Yah, what's with you growling?"

She pushed herself up and gave me that stern look before throwing me a white stick which I caught in the air, "I hate you! I hate you Wu Yifan! I told you to use it when we do it. What now? What am I gonna do about my masteral?!"

I chuckled at her; she's still shy to use those words in front of me. Silly pregnant woman. I widened my eyes upon registering what was happening and went to hug her, "Geez, don't get mad. Thank you so much" and I kissed her cheeks delightfully. "Choonhee would be so excited about having a baby brother or a sister for sure"

Due of being pregnant, she has to postpone her studies for Masteral degree since the doctor told her to watch out after her spotting incident. She was still pissed of me but I remained cool because I know how difficult she's having right now.

I stirred to her side of the bed but to feel no one. I checked the restroom but she wasn't there, "Could she be..." and just what my senses told me, I found her again enjoying the powdered milk of Choonhee.

"Okay, one last scoop" she mumbled to herself and got a spoonful of the powder and stuffing it into her mouth.

I walked closer to her and she still didn't notice me. Turning to my direction after placing the container back in the fridge, she screamed, wafting the powder from her mouth to me.

And because of that, I never bought a powdered milk instead I buy a fresh milk for Choonhee everyday. I gave her too, just enough Vitamin D intakes for her.

Nine months later, I fished my phone from my pocket and saw 7 missed call from Luhan hyung. I called him back, "Where the hell is you while your wife is almost giving birth already?" he spatted. "Come to the hospital already!"

I instantly hung up and saw today's date, "Today's her due date!" by that, I ran towards my car and drove to the hospital.

"Where is she?" I asked when I arrived. Choonhee approached me, telling me that her mom is already inside, pointing the delivery room.

I was about to go inside when her obstretician went out and telling us the good news, "It's a healthy baby boy. Mrs. Wu would be transferred in her room after an hour"

I pulled the door open and saw the nurse pushing the movable crib and our sleeping baby is wrapped in a blue bundle. "I'll be taking Chanhyun after an hour" she said and exited.

Eomma was the first one who got Chanhyun and cooed, rocking him in her arms. "He's such a handsome child" she said before handing him to me.

I feel so delighted having him in my arms and I can't help myself from tearing up because of happiness filling in me. "Hello, Chanhyunnie... I'm your Papa~" I said in a sweet tone and brushed his small face with my finger.


Cheonsa and I went to the downtown to find a venue for our first baby, Choonhee's 7th birthday. And right now I have no one by my side, she suggested to head to the south while I go north then we'll just contact each other if we find a place.

"Oppa, I found the perfect place for her birthday party!" she excitedly said over the phone.

I then went towards the place she was referring when suddenly three silhouttes caught my attention. "Yah! How dare you touch her?" I bellowed angrily, the hell he dares to hold my wife?

I kicked and punched them with all my might; I don't give a damn if they died under my hands. They should learn a lesson not to assault anybody whether a girl or a boy.

"Yah, oppa! Geumanhaeyo!" I heard her crying while her arms were wrapped around my neck. I was back to my senses, "Please, stop. Don't kill them"

She then spun to see my face, "Close your eyes for three seconds" she commanded and I did. Then I saw relief in her eyes, pulling me in for an embrace. "Didn't you feel it?"


"Your eyes just turned cold blue a while ago, you know?"

Then upon hearing her sentence, things rang a bell on me. Does that mean the curse wasn't broken at all? I'm still a wolf?

She pulled away, only to cup my face. "Whether you're a human or a wolf, I'll still love you. After all, you and I are one. It was Me and the Wolf"

ME and the WOLFㅣKris WuWhere stories live. Discover now