Chapter 24

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A knock was made on Cheonsa’s door and her door was pushed opened, revealing her mother with one of their maids, holding a large rectangular box.

She furrows her brows as the maid places the box on her fluffy bed, “What is this?”

“Thank you” her mom says to the maid, “You may go” she instructs before turning back to her daughter. “A gown” and she got the lid of the box, revealing a fuchsia with pink flower-y patches as its design sitting neatly inside the box. “We’ll be attending a party in Royale Resort Hotel. That would be the announcement of companies’ partnership and your engagement”

“But eomma, we just got in a party three days ago! I don’t want to go, I’m too tired and lazy” she scoffed and plumped her head on her pillows.

Hana rolls her eyes, “Yah, yah~!” while grasping her arm to sit her up. “You have to be prepared. Take a bath and your hairstylist and makeup artist will be here in 30 minutes, alright? Don’t be stubborn” she warns before exiting her daughter’s room.

She whimpered aloud before stomping to her bathroom to do her mother’s command. She was currently hair blowing her own hair when she got a phone call, “Oppa” she said in her low tone as she switched the button off.

“What’s up with your voice?” Kris asks, fixing his necktie.

“Aisssh!!! I’m too lazy!”

“Lazy to what?” he chuckled before adding, “To go to the party?”

She hummed before realizing, “Wait, how do you know? You can’t read mind in phone calls, can you?”

He snickered lowly, “Of course not, babo”

“Don’t call me babo” she reflexively protested, pouting. “But really, I don’t want to go there… well, unless you’re going there too”

“Aigoo, my angel, too, has a mental ability!” he beams, putting her to speaker phone.

Her brow twitches up, “Don’t be ridiculous, I can’t read mind” she pauses for a while but before she could speak up again, she hears a beeping sound, signing the call ended. “Aissh, that jerk” she mumbles, throwing her phone to her bed.

Kris chuckled to himself, finally gaining the hairstyle he was trying to achieve 15 minutes ago. “Hyung, let’s go. We’ll be late” Jongin suddenly popped out, the usual him.


“Hello, beautiful lady” a man in eye mask suddenly stood right by her side, showing a hand and smiling.

She sets her eye mask down, “Suho-ah”

“Aigoo, put your mask up” he nagged like a mom does, placing her mask back to its place. “You aren’t supposed to take this off unless the MC told you so, algesseo?”

She grunted, “Arasseo, arasseo. Suho eomma” she mocked.

“Yah, don’t call me eomma… oppa is the right word” she gasps when he submissively snakes his arms around her waist, pulling her close to his body and leaning on her neck. “It’s hard to find you in such crowded place like this” he whispers in her right ear. ‘Luckily, I familiarize Yifan’s smell’ he thought replacing his own scent on her.

“Beside from celebrating the partnership of the two companies, we are also gathered here to know about the engagement of Mr. Kim Joonmyeon and Ms. Song Cheonsa!” all of the guests are applauding as the couple went up on stage.

She was tensed, not knowing what to do; her heartbeats are pacing crazily in her chest. Suho put his mask down then he noticed her, so he held her sweaty palm, intertwining their hands. He chuckled seeing her still not revealing her face to the crowd and so he leaned a little bit by her ear to whisper, “Take off your mask, the photographers can’t take a photo of us if you’re wearing it” he softly said while pulling her hand down. “Don’t get nervous, smile, alright?”

Cheonsa looks at him, pouting. “Aisssh, so embarrassing” she mumbles then biting her lower lip.

He chuckles, “Of course you’re not. Now smile” he flashes a smile then soon she shows a smile too. “You’re adorable” he murmurs and pecks a kiss on her temple, gaining chants from the crowd.

On the other hand, Kris was looking at them austerely, balling his fist. “Take it easy” Minseok calmly says, pulling a hand on his shoulder.

“So when’s the wedding?!” a friend of Suho named, Siwon, beams.

“Soon” he answers, tightening his grip on her hand and smiling.

“You’ll sure have cute kids” the woman who is linking arms with Siwon says. “I’ll be his, her, or their godmother, alright?”

She widened her eyes, gulping. “Excuse me, I need to use the restroom” she said and went away from them.

Suddenly, she was pulled to the corner. She was about to protest but stopped when she realize who the person was. “Jongin?”

“Annyeong, someone is waiting for you so shall we?” he showed his hand for her and he snapped, both disappearing from the place.

He teleported them to a wonderful place, it’s a garden decorated with a nice lightings and the snow starts to pour. “We’re here, you cold?” he asked.

“Kind of” she smiled. “But I’m fine” then suddenly she whizzed. They laughed at each other, “Sorry”

Jongin was about to take off his coat when someone speaks up, “You don’t need to do that Jongin” Kris placed his coat over her shoulders. “Warm enough?” he asked her.

She smiled widely, “Ne”

“I’ll get going, enjoy your night” Jongin says and disappears.

‘Aisssh… that jerk. He replaced my scent with his again’ Kris mentally cursed, smelling Suho’s scent on her. “Come here” he said, pulling her close to him and leaning on her neck, removing that foreign scent from her and putting his. “You’re cold, I know” he said.

She giggled, “Actually yes” she answered, burying her face in his chest.

Kris got his phone from his pocket and stuck the earpieces on their ears, “Let’s have a slow dance” and chose a song for them then he wrapped his arms around her waist as she wrapped hers around his neck. As the music started, Kris plants a kiss on her temple, “Ugh… I hate it when some other guy kisses you, you know?”

“So you’ve been there?” she looked up to him and he nodded. “Mianhae. I didn’t expect him to kiss me”

“Just---can you keep distant from him? I don’t really want him near you”

“Can we not talk about that right now, oppa?”

Kris sighed, “I’m sorry” and he leaned in to plant a soft kiss on her lips. “I love you” he said, his warm breath brushing her lips and he kissed her again but now passionately.

“Am I disturbing the moment?” a voice says, Suho is standing there. “Cheonsa, abeoji’s looking for you. We have to go back already”

She shifts her attention to Kris, her eyes sorry. “Mianhae, but I have to be back” ‘I’ll call you after the party’ she mentally speaks to him and Kris smiles. She turns to Suho, “Oh, let’s go”

ME and the WOLFㅣKris WuWhere stories live. Discover now