Chapter 19

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Chundong throws all the things that were on his work table, releasing all his anger. His wife went in his office after hearing smashes, “Chundong-ah, wae geurae?” she asked softly but was afraid by the same time because of his rising temper.

He screamed, clutching his head, “Andwae”

“What’s the matter?” Hana asks, reaching her arms to touch him but he refused. She frowned, “Don’t tell me---”

“This is all because of that child!!! The company’s going to fall down because of that shit daughter! Why did I even let her live?!” He cursed continuously until she slapped him.

“Daebak… Was that mistake her fault? It was you who is reliable for that mistake, Chundong-ah… It was you and your other woman’s fault! Why would you blame your daughter? Did you know that I’ve taken care of Cheonsa even knowing she’s the fruit of you sinful mistake?! I treated her as if my real child! How could you even say that?! You are his father, you should be the one protecting her from those hurtful words but then… what now?” her tears fall down unstoppably and left him frozen in his room by then she saw her by the wall, leaning. “Cheonnie”

“Eo-Eomma… I just want to---want to ask if I could go out?” her tears dwelling up in her eyes noticeably. “I’ll just get some fresh air?”

Hana breathes air before answering, “Of course dear, take your time but don’t be too late, algesseo?” and she hugs her, knowing she is twice in pain right now.

Cheonsa runs towards the nearest park in their neighborhood and cries helplessly, falling down on her knees when she finally arrived. “So that’s why… so that’s why”

Someone kneeled opposite to her, “Why are you crying under the snow without coat and someone to lean on again?” a familiar voice says.

She looks up as her tears leave her eyes, “Because---because no one... Because I’m no one”

“Why are you no one then?”

She looks down while answering, “Because---I’m no use in this world… Right from the start while I’m still in my unknown mother’s womb, I’m rejected by this world”

He immediately wraps his arms around her, not wanting her to shatter into pieces. “You’ve always been of use in this world; no one is useless for everyone lives by purpose. If you were rejected by others, turning their backs on you then I won’t… I would always be with you with or without your notice because I had always loved you. Yaksokhae”

“Geosjimal” she pushes him away. “You left me! You are just like my father who rejects me because I don’t belong in his life!” she stood up, walking wobbly while trying to wipe her wet face with her bare hands but fail since her eyes kept on tearing. He hugged her from the back, arms wrapping her shoulders. “Kris”

“No… I am not letting you go” he rigidly protested.

She tried to break free from his hug, “Let go of me” she calmly said. “I said let go!!! Let go!”

“Okay” he said, freeing her. She was about to take her first step when he pulled her back, “But wear this, its freezing” he said, taking off his coat and putting it on her.

She walked away from him, eyes still tearing up, while Yifan keeps an eye on her. “Yifan” someone calls from behind, it was Minseok. “You followed her again”

“Mianhaeyo” Yifan humbles himself. “I was----” he turned to see her for the last time.

Minseok presses his lips together, “Kaja?” he said, getting the attention of the alpha. On the first step they take, they heard a thud.

ME and the WOLFㅣKris WuWhere stories live. Discover now