Chapter 32

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"Cheonsa already give birth to a baby girl" Minseok says, handing Yifan his smartphone to show the photos of his child posted on SNS. "She gave birth the same day you woke up"

A big smile crept on his face as he takes a look at each photos of the baby, "She's beautiful, hyung. But my Choonhee-ah looks most likely Cheonsa" he said, tears started to dwell his eyes, caressing Choonhee's photo. Then the next photo was Cheonsa carrying their little one, "She must had a hard time"

Minseok nodded, "But she made through it, she's such a brave woman. Congratulations, you are now a father"

"But she thinks Suho is the father. Even I show myself, she won't even recognize me, right?" he looks up to the elder one.

He could only nod at Yifan, "It's for her wellness. If we didn't do that, that dreadful scene must have hunted her and that would never do well on her pregnancy to Choonhee and her whole life"

Yifan hummed, agreeing. Then the next photo was Suho bending down to take a picture with them along with a description of My two angels <3 "They're a complete happy family"


Choonhee was taken in her mother's hospital ward when the new mother was sleeping. Suho bowed to the nurse, "Thank you" as she walked out the room.

He could only smile, looking at the baby girl laid in front of his eyes. He is factually not her biological father but that doesn't matter to him; she is his daughter, his own little princess. Then suddenly the baby girl cried, "Aigoo... hush baby Choo" he said, carrying her close to him.

On her first day, Suho was so hesitant to carry her. It was his first time to hold a little creature in his arms that is why he is scared and worried if he'll hold her too tight or too loose that would hurt her.

"You want appa to sing you a song?" then he starts to hum a familiar tune since he doesn't want to wake his wife. Soon after, Choonhee stopped crying, Suho smiles when the little one wraps her hand around his fingertip.

The door opened his family entering while Luhan and his mother followed. "Oh, our little dear is here" Hana chided, taking Choonhee from her father's arms.

Luhan puts the foods on the table when he noticed Cheonsa awakening, "Good morning, Cheonnie~" he cooed, kissing her forehead.

"Yah, Luhan" his mother called. "You can't kiss you sister like usual especially when she's already married, arachi?"

Suho chortled at his mother-in-law's words, "Gwaenchanayo eomma. It's Luhan hyung after all that's why I don't mind" he said, taking Choonhee back so he could give her to Cheonsa.

"Oh~" Cheonsa coos. "Annyeong, Choo-ah. How are you?" and the baby yawns that made Suho and Cheonsa laugh softly, "Yup, you are sleepy again eh?"

"By the way, Cheonnie... I already posted your photos online and our friends there congratulated you and commented to have the baptism back to Seoul so they could finally meet Choo" Luhan say while helping his mother unpack the foods they bought.


Luhan was still having a heck of a jet lag but still he went to fetch his son in their house because he doesn't want to miss a day with him or more likely with them. Just like other toddlers, Jihyun always wants to be with his mother and so Yeji doesn't have any choice but to be with them during weekends but she goes home to Baekhyun at night when Jihyun is finally asleep.

"Jihyun-ah, you're sleepy?" Yeji asks her son and he droopily leans to her shoulder, burying his face in his mother's neck. "Aigoo" she mutters then started humming something.

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