Chapter 35

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Jongdae and Jongin were walking down the alleyway, passing by the study room of their father, when suddenly they heard something from inside. It was like a glass that break, "What was that?" they both said in unison.

Without second thoughts, Jongin holds unto his hyung and they both disappear in the air. They reappear infront of their hyung, Minseok. "Hyung, something happened in Abeoji's study room"

They are now in front of the room, "Stay here" Minseok says, since he is the only one who is permitted to go in. They two younger wolves didn't protest and wait for him by the door.

"It seems like some glass was shattered." Jongin says not long ago.

Minseok walked through the book shelves, finding that something which was broken. "What really is that?" but he didn't find any broken pieces. He headed towards the corner where his father kept the memories, "Cheon-sa" he mumbled under his breath, seeing the glasses case of hers was broken into pieces.


Suho has never been this jealous before. Although he repeatedly gets jealous back then in New York, he knows how to restrain himself from bellowing at her but hurting her was never done. Thus, this time was the first time it happened.

She tried breaking free, "Yah, oppa. What's wrong with you? I'm hurting" she struggled while they were walking upstairs.

He pushed her inside their room and closes the door in swift motion, hearing it bang.

She yelped when she collided on the floor, "Why are you being like this huh?" she cried. "He's just a friend oppa, whose kind enough to lend a hand for me. Why don't you just trust me? I'm your wife!"

"Stop seeing that fucking guy! Stop cheating on me!" he exclaimed, angrily, his orbs changes its color from black to red.

She was astonished seeing him like that and was frozen on her spot, trembling. Suho gain back his composure upon the sight of her frightened of him, recognizing his eye color changes to bloody red. "Ch-Cheonsa... mi-mianh-hae" he stammered, stepping forward to hold her, crouching down.

However, she scoots backward before feeling the pang throbbing in her head as if memories coming back and flooding her mind. She almost flopped down head-first but Suho held her shoulders, calling out her name while all she could do was shriek and shed tears.

Suho picked her up in a bridal style, ready to take her to the hospital when he heard her crying Kris' name just now. "H-Her memor-ies" He settled her down on the bed instead, "Please, not now-not ever" a tear slid down his cheek.

"Kris! Kris! Kris!" she shouted, her eyes closed still, crying. The memory of her being carried by Sehun over his shoulder while Kris was pinned down and being slayed by the wolf on top of him.


"What does that mean, hyung?" Sehun asked Minseok, who just came back after his serious talk with his father. "Does that mean Cheonsa's memories are back?"

He nodded a simple response, "Her memories are back now"

Sehun, Jongin, and Jongdae cheer in happiness that finally they could go near her and converse with her, letting her know how much they missed her after three years. "We should call Yifan hyung" Jongdae says.

Jongin glanced at the eldest, confused to why he is not glad like them. "Hyung, waeyo? Aren't you happy, she's finally back?"

"Sehun" Minseok called the youngest wolf. "Did you know this would come?"

He shook his head, "Aninde... You know, the futures I see somehow are-"

"I see"

"Is the reason why you are like that is because of the trauma she might have, hyung?" Jongdae inquired and Minseok just nodded at him.


Hana sighed finally hearing the phone picked up and Suho's voice on the other line. "Suho-ah, please go here immediately. Choonhee can't be calmed down" she said. "We told her, we'll take her home but she doesn't want. She's looking for you both, do come here as fast as you can"

He huffs in frustration, how he could leave her in such condition but at the same time he needs to fetch his daughter, who's looking for them? "Aisssh..." he hisses, leaning in towards her. "Cheonsa, please hold on, alright? I'll go get Choo and I'll be right back" and kisses her before running out of their house.

Arriving home with Choonhee in his arms, he was surprised to see Minseok and Yifan in the living room. He passed the sleeping child to her nanny, "Take her to her room"

"Long time no see?" Minseok says, a smile crept up his face as he gives him a bro-hug.

Suho smiled back, "Ne" he looked sternly at Yifan, "What are you doing here?" and straightforwardly asked.

"We are here for Cheonsa. She recovered her memories already, isn't she?" Yifan responded.

Suho gulped hardly, avoiding Yifan's eyes. He inhaled before nodding his head, knowing nothing would change despite he lie. "Follow me" and he lead the way towards their room.

They entered the room but found no one laid on the bed, "Where is she?" they muttered in unison, before hearing a soft cry from the door at the left, the washroom.

Their eyes lay on the trembling lady by the closet, where their towels were kept, "Cheonsa" Yifan called softly, stepping forward but was stopped by Minseok. He looked at the older lad sadly and stepped back as Suho approached his wife.

"Hey~" he coos, squatting down across her. "Cheonnie-ah" resting his hand on her quivering shoulders.

She looks up to him and immediately wraps her arms around him, sobbing. "O-Oppa... K-K-Kris, he's-he's-" she isn't able to finish when her words were muffled with her helpless weeping.

Yifan paced forward towards them, "Cheonsa" his deep and husky voice said that made her stiff for a while before Suho leaned away willingly for her to see him. He crouched down in front of her and embraced her in his arms, "I'm fine, and I'm alive. Please don't cry anymore. Everything's fine already, you're safe and will never be seeing such ever again. Yaksokhae"

He looks at them hugging each other painfully, a tear slipping off his eye unknowingly. 'This is the right thing to do, right? They were destined to each other ever since... I was just the bad guy making things ghast'


Yifan stares at the two most important females of his life sleeping soundly on the bed with him, his left arm folded to make a rest for his head. Fortunately the thing that has been scaring them didn't happen as they told her to absorbed all the informations positively and slowly. "We won't be apart anymore" he mumbles to himself, brushing Cheonsa's bangs off her face and pulling the blanket to Choonhee's neck.

Walking back towards their room that seems to be lonely starting this night, Suho got his phone and dialed his father's number. "Abeoji, is everything fine with SBF? Do slowly leak the those fake documents about Cheonsa and I"

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