Chapter 25

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“Will you be alright, taking care of him alone?” Baekhyun asks, brushing up the hair on Jihyun’s face.

Yeji nodded, humming, “Of course, it’s just a fever after all” she fixed his fringe until she was satisfied; “All done” and she smiled widely. “Go already; you’ll be late for work”

After a while, the doorbell rang, “Aigoo, that guy must’ve left something” she mumbled and went towards the door, opening it. “Did you left some---oh, Luhan” she was surprised to see him.

“Annyeong, Cheonsa sent me here to hand Jihyun’s birthday gift” he said, waving a neatly wrapped box.

“Ah, tell her thank you. Come in” she doubt at first but she has to be hospitable to her guest. “Sit down; I’ll go get you food. W--Where is she anyway?”

He did what was told, “She had to attend a party with eomma and abeoji in the Royale Resort Hotel”

“Oh” was all she said and went towards the kitchen to prepare him food.

“Where is Baekhyun?” he asked all of a sudden.

She was about to answer him when they heard a cry, “I’m sorry but--- uhmm… feel free to prepare your food, I need to calm him down” as you wash your hands and dry it with the cloth. She immediately attended to her son’s need, “Hey, why are you cry---” she stopped from speaking and felt him, “You’re burning, Hyun” she grabbed the digital thermometer from the drawer to check Jihyun’s temperature. “39”

She received a knock from the already-opened door, “Is everything alright?” Luhan asked.

“Jihyun’s burning, I need to take him to the hospital” she answers while somewhat finding something from beneath the pillows. “Aigoo, where could that phone be?” she mumbles.

Luhan gets his phone from his pocket, “Here… call Baekhyun” he says, reading the situation.

She instantly got the phone, “Thanks” and dialed her husband’s mobile number.

Then Jihyun cries once more, “I’ll hush him down so you can prepare his and your things” he volunteers and picks up Jihyun from his baby crib.

In the hospital, Luhan is just staring at the two persons in the room. Her sleeping face looks so worried while she is holding her son’s hand. Well, she isn’t the one who is worried by this time, Luhan is worried sick too and he becomes afraid for no reason. He is about to touch her face to tuck her hair behind her ear, when the room’s door was opened.

“Yeji-ah” Baekhyun calls out but Luhan puts his index finger on his lips as a sign of silence. He enters the room, “How is he?”

“It’s just influenza, the doctor said he’ll be discharge tomorrow morning” Luhan explained.

Baekhyun sighed in relief, “Thanks for the help”


“Omo” Cheonsa shrieks, holding her chest, when she heard a creaking sound from the door. “Oh, it’s you oppa”

“Why are you still up?” Luhan asks, taking off his coat and throwing it on the couch’s armrest, and he slumps himself on the couch.

“Wuwu and I played for a while and were about to go up when you came… Anyway, did Jihyun like the gift?” she asked and folded his coat neatly.

“He’s in the hospital… and I never felt so worried and afraid like a while ago even with you” he confesses.

She frowned, “Oppa… don’ you think?” he looked at her, confused of what she is telling. “Jihyun-ah… don’t you think he is your son?”

“Don’t be ridiculous, Cheonsa” he chuckled, disregarding the fact that he has the possibility of being his father.

“Really oppa… once, before she went away, I found her throwing up in our room and she was dizzy without reason. I mean, I checked her temperature but it’s normal. I also offered her to be with her for a checkup but she rejected it since she’s feeling well as what she said… Also, the months when she was nowhere to be found to the month she gave birth to Jihyun---it’s 9 months. Don’t you ever think of that possibility?” then a suddenly a naughty question came up into her mind. “But the thing is, have you ever done something?”

“Yah, Cheonsa! Don’t speak something like that!”

“Oppa, you have to face the fact that I’m 18 and a college student already! Of course, I can tell something like that” she retorted and wiggled her brows playfully. “You did it! Didn’t you?”

Luhan furrowed his brows, he actually doesn’t know what to tell her---he’s too embarrassed to tell what really happened that one night he got drunk.

“Yah, oppa! Where are you going?!” she asked out loudly when he went upstairs. Then she laughed proudly, “You did it then!” she followed him up.

“Shut up. Go to bed already” Luhan sternly says and closes his room’s door.

Cheonsa stayed by his doorstep and spoke, “But really oppa… think about it” she seriously said, bringing the topic back.


Going to her own room, her phone rang on the bed. She immediately walked in, looking at the screen; her heart skipped its beat. Kris calling… “Yeoboseyo? Oppa, I missed you” she cooed, totally longing to hear his deep voice, she missed to hear for a week. But there was a silence, only Kris’ breath was audibly heard. “Oppa?”

Then she suddenly heard a knock from her room’s veranda, she frowned but went towards the door anyways, still her phone is by her ear. “Suho” she called, turning the doorknob and opening the door. She was surprised at his abrupt appearance but what more surprises her is that… his yellow orbs.

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