Chapter 6

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“Good morning” Luhan greeted when Cheonsa came in the dining room. “Is Yeji not coming?”

She shook her head, “She’s having dysmenorrhea. I’ll get going oppa, take care of her” she got a piece of bread and went out.

After eating, Luhan got some pain relievers and a glass of water, and put it on a tray. He then went up to their room. He knocks on the door but got no respond so he just opens it himself.

“Jagiya?” he found her sleeping but frowning. “Ireona Yeji-ah” he wakes her up.

She grunts, opening her eyes. “Oppa” she sits down and rests her back on the headboard.

“Here, drink this to relieve the pain” he fed her the capsule and held the glass of water for her.

“It’s just dysmenorrhea; you don’t need to pamper me”


Cheonsa was waiting for the bus when Tao approached her after exercising. “Cheonnie, where are you going?” he said while wiping his sweat.

“Somewhere where you’re not there” she replied sarcastically, rolling her eyes at him.

The bus halted in front of her and she enters without waving goodbye at him, “Do we have a problem?” Tao mumbles and walks home to change.


“Yah, why are you frowning? The food won’t taste good if the cook has bitter feelings” Kyungsoo nags in a soft voice.

“Maja” a head suddenly popped over their shoulders. Cheonsa turns to the guy and Tao was grinning broadly.

“How’d you get in here?” she steps back.

Tao points at their substitute teacher, “Chef Qiu is my hyung friend and I asked Luhan hyung about where you’re going”

She bites her lip and sighs deeply, “You can now go away from us since I’ll be slicing” she softly says.

Tao grabs a strawberry, “Yah!!!” Cheonsa protests. He smiles mischievously. “Gaseyo” she mumbles.

Tao walked to Chef Qiu and tossed his arms around his shoulder, “You like her?” Chef Qiu straight-forwardly asked that’s taken him aback.

“Huh? Don’t be silly hyung, I have a girlfriend don’t you think and that explains everything” he looks at his hyung and back at Kyungsoo and Cheonsa. “She never smiled at me like that” he mumbles.

ME and the WOLFㅣKris WuWhere stories live. Discover now