Chapter 20

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“Luhan” Hana manages to call her son in a soft and unwearied voice. “Why did you go home so sudden?”

“Where is my sister?” he asks straightforwardly, deadpanning.

“Oh, she’s in her---” and someone interrupts their conversation.

“Why are you home?” a strict voice says from upstairs, Luhan looks up to his father. “I’m asking you, why are you home?”

“I’m home for Cheonsa… I want to talk to her”

“She’s not home” he coolly says while going down the stairs. “Since last night”

“And you weren’t even worried about she slept? About her condition? Her feelings?” he scolds his father. “Oh, right… I remember, you are this idiot dad I know since then” by that insult, Chundong punch Luhan that caused his lips to cut.

“Chundong-ah!” Hana shrieks, defending her son from her husband that might launch another punch on him. “Please… this won’t make things better”

“Well, tell your son that” he heavily sighs, walking towards the bar to drink his champagne.

Hana faces his son, sighing. “Let’s get you treated”


“Why are people telling bad things about her? Aren’t they quite unfair? It’s not her fault” Yeji blubbers out after reading the news from an SNS. “They suck”

“Aigoo… eomma is high tempered again, what do you think Jihyun-ah?” Baekhyun talked to his 11 month old son. Yeji looked at him austerely, “Chill… I’m just trying to cool you down” he said in defeat.

“Well, that didn’t work out” she said irritatingly, taking Jihyun from his arms. “Neo baegopa Jihyun-ah?”

“Nan baegopayo, jinjja” Baekhyun answered, raising a hand.

Yeji tsk-ed, “Ddarawa” she said and walked to the kitchen, setting Jihyun on Baekhyun’s lap to prepare their food.

Baekhyun smells the fragrance of the food, “Smells good” he complimented.

“It’s because I made it” she conceitedly said while chuckling, “Come to eomma” she got Jihyun from him to let him eat properly.


The two looked at each other, “Where you the one calling me?” Yeji asked and he immediately shook his head.


They set their attention to the baby, who was laughing on his own while repeating the word Ma. “Eomma” Yeji chorused with him. “Oppa~! Omo! He’s actually speaking already! At 11 months old!” she cheered happily.

“That’s too early for him… well, that makes our baby, genius then!” Baekhyun concludes, having a nose to nose with him. “Because of this… we’re going to the mall tomorrow. Ahhh… let’s buy goods for his 1st birthday too”

Yeji nodded, “Geurae… oh my~ my baby’s talking already… say eoooommmaaaa, again” she prolonged the word for him to copy it.


“Yah… what are we doing here?” Cheonsa asked, hands on her waist while the person, she is with, is wandering his eyes around the mall. “Wu Yifan, are you not going to answer me?”

ME and the WOLFㅣKris WuWhere stories live. Discover now