Chapter 15

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Cheonsa had given the driver directions before looking nowhere. The cab stopped for the crossings but a certain part of the streets makes her weep silently.

“Who are you texting?” Kris tries to sneak on her phone.

“Luhan oppa, the one who called in the rooftop, don’t you have anything to do beside following or sending me home?” he shook his head. “Well then, let’s go to XOXO shop and go get some bubble tea”

“Bubble tea? Sounds delicious. Is it your treat?”

She pouted and looked at him sharply, “Okay, fine. Since you helped me get out and walked me home”

“Great, so which way to go?” he drags her to the crossings.

“Straight, and will you not hold onto my arm?” she said irritatingly.

He nodded and slid his hand to her hand, “Okay, let’s cross”

‘I wasn’t talking about holding my hand’ she thought but nevertheless shut her mouth since his hand’s warmth gives her a comfortable feeling.

“Agasshi?” the driver ajumma calls that drifts her back to reality and she wipes her tears. “Uljima”

“Mianhaeyo ajumma” she said and further broke down, crying helplessly in her hands.

The driver ajumma decided to park the cab to comfort her. “It’s alright, cry it all out sweetie” she said, rubbing the crying lass’ back.

After she finally stopped crying they head home, “Kamsahabnida Myeon-ah ajumma” Cheonsa said gratefully and handed the bill.

“Cheonmaneyo, don’t cry again, yaksokhae” the ajumma, named Myeon-ah, said.

She smiled and nodded her head gradually, “Ne, drive safely” she bid goodbye, waving a hand.

As if on cue, the gate opened for her. “Welcome home, young lady” four maids bowed before her and they got her very light bag from her grasp.

“What’s all the treatment?” she asked curiously since this is not the usual treat they gave her for she doesn’t want to. ‘Did eomma and abeoji just come home?’

“Mr. and Mrs. Song is home, young lady”

She sighed, “I guessed right” and smiled later on.

Cheonsa entered the house surprised because of the guests she wasn’t expecting but she should had actually. Her mom directly went to hug and hugged her, “Oh, my darling. I missed you so much”

She smiled in her embrace, “I missed you too eomma, it’s been a while since you went home”

Her mom first breaks the hug, “You’ve grown fats baby” she said, cupping her daughter’s face. Cheonsa frowned, pounting. “But nevertheless, you maintained your cute face after 2 years of me not going home”

“Hana” Mr. Song calls for their attention as they were currently having their guests.

“Aigoo, Chundong-ah” Hana scoffs but went to them nonetheless.

Cheonsa sits beside Luhan and of course her mom sitting by her father. “I’m sorry, I’m late Mr. and Mrs. Zhang, Xing oppa and Meiji eo-eonni. I wasn’t informed---”

“Well, should we proceed on talking about the wedding of the kids?” Chundong cuts her daughter’s words off.

The discussion went through as the four offspring are just silent and eyeing each other. Luhan went near Cheonsa’s ear to whisper, “Have you been crying?”

ME and the WOLFㅣKris WuWhere stories live. Discover now