Chapter 18

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"Tao?" Cheonsa mumbled by then, she saw his full profile, "ZITAO!!!" she exclaimed, running to him.

He took off his shades, "Cheonsa" he said when she hugged him. "Bogoshipeoyo"

"I missed you more oppa~! When did you arrive? You didn't tell us!" she pouts, leaning away from him.

He chuckled, "I just arrived and I decided to walk around since I miss Seoul so much"

"How's China then?" she asks, clinging onto his arm.

He hummed, "The usual... I learned that you're getting married with Xing hyung" his shoulder dropped.

Cheonsa presses her lips into a thin line, "Yea... I'm sure he's getting you as the best men along with Luhan oppa"


"You don't seem happy for us" she turned him to face her, "Oppa" she stretched her arms to reach his face to cup it. "Be happy cuz I'm trying to be too... Well, if you just feel that I like you before, maybe it's us who are getting married, joke~!" she squeezed his face rigidly.

He yelps before she released his face, "That hurt" he pouted.

She giggled, "Anyway, I'm getting hotteok and I'm treating you~ kaja?" and she pulled him towards the Seoul street.

"I'll have a dozen ajumma" a guy said while she is waiting for her eight hotteoks and Tao is eye searching some stuffs.

"Kamsahabnida ajumma!" she says, handing the bill and receiving the two bags of hotteok.

When she turned around, the said guy held her arm, "Cheonsa? Song Cheonsa?" an angelic-faced guy spoke.


By then Tao went to them, "What's going on here?" he asked, stepping in between them.

"I guess you don't remember me anymore... you had my handkerchief more than a year ago. And I haven't told you my name, the name's Kim Joonmyeon" he shows a hand for a shake.

Her face brightens, remembering him. "Oh yea!! I remember now... I'm so sorry but your handkerchief's at home"

Then suddenly a growl was heard, Cheonsa turned to Tao; who is smiling sheepishly. "This is my treat for you" she handed the bag. "By the way, this is Huang Zitao"

"Nice to meet you, my name's Joonmyeon" he says, stretching his arm for a hand shake.

Tao raises a brow, "Yea... a heard a while ago"

Cheonsa elbowed him, smiling irritatingly. "Since we're out, maybe I could just buy you another one?" she told Joonmyeon.

"Well... that would be great" he agreed and the three walked together with Cheonsa dragging Tao towards the mall.

She blew on a part of the hotteok, "Have some, Joonmyeon-sshi" she offered him a bite.

Tao, on the other hand, snorted in the corner while eating his stuff. "She’s supposed to be entertaining me since I'm home not someone else"

"No, thanks... I'm actually full after seeing some friend" he grins at her.

After eating their foods, they went to the department store. "Good afternoon, Mr. Kim" a manager greets. "Are you looking for a new trend?"

"No... But do you still have the handkerchief with a water-like design, I bought before?"

The manager leads them to the handkerchief section, "Owner?" Cheonsa asks Joonmyeon.

He smiles his million dollar smile at her then turns to the manager, "Thank you, Mrs. Ang" Joonmyeon says, telling her to take a leave.

"Do you really like that handkerchief?" she asks. "I could just give it back to you on our next meeting"

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