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Hello everyone who read this book until the end. It's truly an honor seeing the number of reads slowly increasing as time goes by.

It took me almost two years, I think, to complete this. I was a 14 year-old girl when I started this. Actually, the plot I thought for this book was made during our Trigonometry class (I feel like not listening that day so my mind wanders around. Don't copy me, arasseo?) in Grade 9. And now, I'm already a freshman in college! Time flies so fast, isn't it?

The truth was when the issue of Kris terminating his contract and his exit from EXO made me think twice about deleting or continuing this fanfiction. But I thought that... I shouldn't be feeling that way. Even Kris exited already; still he is a part of the group in my heart (I know some of the fans turned there backs on Kris and Luhan but don't get me wrong, alright? That's how I feel, do respect). And so I continued until the epilogue.

I know the title seems strong but the content itself isn't. I'm sorry if it didn't reach your satisfaction level, I just write what's on my mind whether it'll be good or bad. I'm just pouring my mind here.

And so, again, to those who kept reading it until the end. I'm so so so grateful for your time, effort, votes, appreciation, and support! My never ending thanks are all sent to you! If only I could hug and thank you all personally, I would! But that would take me time though, I don't have enough money to go to you. (I'll study smart then and save money to meet and greet you all. *insert bias too*)

If you want a dedication, please don't hesitate to ask.





//On the multimedia// Kris bidding goodbye and winking~!

ME and the WOLFㅣKris WuWhere stories live. Discover now