Chapter 16

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I kept my promise~! Now that's two updates for today!!!


“Have you fixed things up already?” Minseok asked the taller wolf.

He nodded, “Ne hyung”

Minseok smiled and patted his shoulder, “Well then, let’s get you introduced to the pack you are leading”

Kris stopped going to school after a week of their break up and eventually cleared to Sooyeon that he wasn’t interested to her at all, apologizing.

During the day, Kris trains how to defend and offend for himself in a wolf battle. While at night, he studies the history of their kind and all the events happened, and other things he should know to keep the pack.

//A year after//

Kris shakes off the snow from his body, standing back. He lounges back to his opponent and knocked it off. He transformed back to his human form.

“Good job Yifan, you are learning a lot and faster than I expect you to do” Jongseok complimented, clapping his hands.

“Kamsahabnida, Jongseok-ah… I would even strive harder to learn more for the pack” he said, bowing at the beta.

Kris slumps his body on his king-sized bed, rolling towards the bedside table to get his phone. “How I miss you so much” he mumbled, smiling at his phone screen. A photo of him and Cheonsa wearing a couple tee saying Mr. on his and Mrs. on hers.

“Miss her?” Someone suddenly pops on his bed, comfortably lying next to him.

Kris flips to see him, “Jongin” he calls. “How many times have I told you not to ever pop in front of me?”

“I didn’t hyung~!” he said, “Literally, I popped behind you”

The older lad exhaled heavily, releasing a cloud-like breath. “Whatever.” And then he went off from his bed, walking towards his study room.

Jongin followed him, leaning his body on the doorframe of the room, “You haven’t seen her for a while, hyung. Don’t you miss her?”

“You heard me seconds ago” he answered simply, locking his eyes on the book he is now half reading.

“Tomorrow is her 17th birthday and a party is held in XOXO shop, are you going to watch her even from a far or not?” Kris looked at him as if staggered and blinked simultaneously. “You forgot do you?”

He was taken aback, sighing. “I won’t go” he said lowly.

“In case you changed your mind hyung, Sehun and I are going… Well, not actually going since we’ll just hide. See you~!” he waved a hand and disappeared suddenly.


“I thought you won’t come?” Jongin appeared next to Kris, teasing him.

“Shut up Jongin”

He laughs at the pissed wolf and held him, teleporting next to Sehun. “Sehun-ah, how long can you hold on?”

“At least a minute, I’m sorry but I can’t hold on longer that span” Sehun answers, “Please make it faster, hyung”

“I will. Thank you for this one” Kris smiles at him, giving him a pat on the head just like an owner to its dog.

ME and the WOLFㅣKris WuWhere stories live. Discover now