Chapter 12

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A man in suit hands an envelope to Mr. Song, “Mr. Luhan bought a condominium unit in the Zhang Houses in Ms. Park’s name. Ms. Cheonsa has been out in town for already three days with Mr. Zhang Yixing’s cousin, Kris Wu”

Mr. Song looks at the photos his man has taken before throwing it towards him, “IDIOT! I TOLD YOU NOT TO LET ANY OTHER GUY OR GIRL AROUND THEM!”

“I know sir… But I couldn’t break them easily for Yeji lives with Mr. Luhan and Kris Wu; he is Mrs. Zhang’s nephew. I can’t just hurt him like that” he answered.

He slams his hands on his table, standing. “THAT IS WHY I AM PAYING YOU! TO THINK OF A PLAN!” he sits down. “Yixing is the perfect guy for my daughter not that Kris Wu or whoever he is”


“What are you planning to do anyway?” Yeji asks Luhan while she was holding tight on his rigid arm. He didn’t answer that he got a spank from her, “Answer me, Xiao Lu~!”

He chuckles, “We’re almost there” and the elevator dings, indicating that they are finally on the floor of his surprise.

Luhan wraps his arms around her waist, leading her to the place. He inputs the pin code of the door and it opens automatically. “Now, just stay here… Don’t uncover your eyes yet, arasseo?”

“Don’t leave me hereee~” she recites, pulling him back near to her.

He coos, “Of course, I won’t. Just stay” he said, placing a soft kiss on her nose tip. Luhan steps towards the glass window and pushes the curtains to the side, revealing the beautiful night sightings of Seoul.

He went back to her, pulling off the blindfold from covering her eyes. She stood in awe, “Wooow~” she walked, smiling.

“How do you like it?” Luhan backs hug her, resting his chin on her shoulder.

“Beautiful” she mumbles, she leans her head against his.

He smiles widely, “However, you are more beautiful” he kisses her temple.

She spins to face him, “Don’t be so corny”

Luhan pulls her into a hug, “But you love me being corny”

“Whatever” she rolled her eyes. “Wait… Is this the unit you are telling me?”


*I’ll be home any minute oppa* Cheonsa replied to Luhan’s text message.

Luhan went out of the house to greet her; it was already three days since she went out of town with Kris. However, he felt strange like someone is looking---staring at him for a long time.

He turned to his right and saw a man in casual, standing from a far. And when he learned Luhan, too, is looking back at him, he turned instantly and acted as if on the phone.

‘Abeoji’s man’ he thought. “Aisssh” ‘Now… what is he up to?’

“Oppa~!” Yeji came from behind him and he smiled to her. “Are they on their way here?”

“Mm…” he hummed, “She texted they’ll be here in any min---”

“OH! THAT’S THEM~!” she chanted happily, pointing at the approaching car.

“You certainly missed her” Luhan chuckled at her. “You said, you won’t miss her since it’s only three days with you not seeing her but here you are excited for her comeback”

She hissed, crossing her arms across her chest when Kris halted the car. Cheonsa immediately went out of the car without waiting for her boyfriend to open it for her like the usual.

“Lulu oppaaaa~!” she sings, hands stretched out as she went to hug her older brother. Luhan lifts her from the ground, “Bogoshipo” she mumbles.

He sets her back to the ground, breaking the hug. “I missed my little dongsaeng too~” he cooed. He went near her ear, “Yeji, too, misses you actually” he said, whispering.

Cheonsa smiled and stared mockingly at the older lass, “Eonnniii” she dragged her word. “I missed you” she said and immediately planted a quick peck on Yeji’s left cheek.

“YAAAAAAH!” she reflexively exclaimed, wiping her cheek. “Don’t kiss me, will you?”

Cheonsa pouted, “You didn’t miss me, do you?” she bursts out some aegyo.

Yeji smiled at her, “Of course, I do miss you… hihihi” she laughed weirdly.

“Okay, enough of that… let’s go inside first” Luhan said after getting Cheonsa’s things in the car, inviting them to have the talk in the house.

Yeji followed him immediately, offering some help but he declined. Cheonsa went to Kris, “Kaja” she offered a hand and Kris took it instantly, intertwining his huge hand with her small ones.

“We’ll make you some food and drink” Yeji offered, pulling the youngest one up to go cook with her. “Right, Cheonsa?” she added.

“Ahh… ne~! We’ll make it very deliciously that your tummies would go round” she agreed, knowing what Yeji is planning about.

“Okay, I’ll wait for your appealing cooking baobei~” Kris says like a child and smiles after seeing her blushed before she avoided her face from him.

“Nado… I’m sure, you’ll make it very yummy and appetizing jagi” Luhan says, not letting Kris to win the cheesiness contest, which wasn’t presented to have.

The girls left them behind, heading to the kitchen. “I hope they’ll get well together” Cheonsa says while getting the eggs from the fridge shelf.

“That’s for sure… don’t worry” Yeji consoles to rise her confident.

“We have something to talk about, right hyung?” Kris straightforwardly asked when he knew they were finally far from them.

Luhan nodded, “Yes… I don’t want you near her ever again”

“Mworago?” Kris asked, even though he knew what he meant.

“I said, I don’t want you near her ever again… you’ll just cause trouble to her, I’m sorry” Luhan once said with the reason.

Kris looked at the older male, focusing. ‘I’m sorry Kris, I like you for my sister but… abeoji, he is ill-mannered. And even though you came from a good famil, he would still want Yixing to be her husband not you’

“I-I best be going, hyung” he stumbled on his words but stood straightly.

As soon as Kris left, Luhan went to the kitchen to tell the girls about him leaving suddenly, reasoning he has something important to do.


Kris called Cheonsa before he went to sleep, “Oppaaa~” she chanted from the other line.

‘I’ll miss your voice, Cheonsa… the tone of your voice addressing me that word’

“Yeoboseyo? Are you still there oppa?” she stated when the other line was silent.

“I’m still here”

“Oh… but, is there something wrong? What exactly did you do when you left huh?” her last question somewhat sounded interrogating a suspect. “I mean… did it result to something bad?”

“Bao?” he seriously said.

“Mm?” she hummed, indicating him to continue his confession.

“I-I think we need to break up… I just thought you and I aren’t fit for each other... You don’t fit my kind; you’re a low kind unlike me. That’s the problem”

ME and the WOLFㅣKris WuWhere stories live. Discover now