Chapter 11

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“GET THEM!” Jongseok commanded furiously. Very mad to Junki’s doing, disturbing human life and causing injury to them. “YOU” he turned to the bleeding Xianzi. “Get her as well but treat her first” he said, showing little sympathy.

“Xing-ah…” Kris cries, cradling Cheonsa’s head to his chest when he saw that she’s bleeding uncontrollably and tears brimming to fall. “Oh, please… don’t die. My angel, please don’t die” his tears started falling his cheeks and he shook his head before placing a soft kiss on her forehead.

“Fanfan” Yixing said, knees on the ground, behind him are three guys. “Let Jongin take her” he said and Jongin steps forward, crouching down.

“You are the guy…” Kris mumbled. “The wolf I met”

“Ne… Jongin-imnida, I’m sorry about that time” he bowed his head like a dog to its master. “I’ll take care of her, I promise that” he reaches out his arms. Kris was hesitant at first but in his condition, he won’t be able to take care of her so he passed her to him. “I’ll be back” Jongin said and in a snap, he and Cheonsa disappear.

Minseok shifted into his white wolf form with yellow pairs of eyes, “Get him on first” he said to Jongdae through their pack line. Jongdae obediently did what his hyung told.

After putting Kris on Minseok’s back---wolf, he turned to Yixing, “I heard you can’t shift… Ride on me, okay?” he said and shifted into his brown wolf form with yellow orbs.


“You can leave us” Haeeun told Jongin, he bowed before he teleported once again. She sighed, “Poor little girl” she said. She rested her palm on her forehead and white bright light escaped from her and it was transferred to Cheonsa’s lifeless body.

Her wounds and bruises started to close but Haeeun still can’t tell if she will be well in a short period of time. During the process, Yixing came in with the well-built Kris behind him.

“Will she be okay by tomorrow eommonim?” Kris asked and sat beside Cheonsa, holding her still limp hand.

“Maybe not… her wounds may close but defects are still there. As a wolf-blooded, I can’t fully heal a human but maybe Yixing can do make her better since he has the blood of a human” Haeeun explained and excused herself to leave them alone.

Yixing rests his palm on her head, examining her body. Just then, bright light came out from his body just like his mom and it transferred to Cheonsa’s.

He has done his thing and his knees weaken, luckily Kris shifted his focus on him and he controlled Yixing’s body not to fall with his telekinetic ability. “You okay?”

“Not really” he replies, holding his head as his vision is spinning.

Kris focused on the chair and moved it behind Yixing, “Sit down… you have used much of your energy, and I’m sorry for that”

“It’s fine… I’m glad I’m of used to heal the two of you. Besides, I can’t let my fiancé suffer if I can do something to heal her” he added mockingly, holding Cheonsa’s hand.

“Yah…” Kris growled in his whispered tone. “She’s mine, only mine” he said possessively.

Yixing can’t help but chuckle at his possessiveness, “I know, I was just playing around”


Kris was sleeping soundly beside her, folding his arms to make a pillow, when Cheonsa woke up. She smiled, knowing he is safe and sleeping by her side. She strokes her fingertips on his hair and to his face.

Kris groaned, awakening. “Oh, you’re awake” he smiles broadly at her.

She nodded to him, “Mm… Where are we?” she asked while roaming her eyes in the unfamiliar room. She pulls herself up to sit and Kris helps her, putting a pillow in between her back and the headboard.

“I don’t know too but the thing that I’m sure is that we are safe in here” he said, holding her hand and planted a kiss on it. “I know I have to clear things up to you”

She nodded, indicating him to continue as she is willing to listen and understand as well.

He sighed, “How should I put this up simply? I am a human with a wolf with me; I have its strength and special abilities which are telekinesis and telepathy. The reason why we met in the woods before was because we lived there for safety. When I was young, I’ve been hunted by humans after knowing my unnatural abilities”

“Mm… Don’t worry; I’ll keep your secret with me. I won’t endanger you” she held up her hand in promise.

He smiles at her, “I know… I can read you, remember?”

She giggled, “Oh, right… I forgot. Can you show me your telekinetic ability?”

Kris smirked and controlled her to move forward, their faces were only an inch apart. “Like this?”

She blushes madly, facing him that embarrasses her more. She wants to pull away but Kris is no help, he kept her like that. Kris leans in and closes the gap between them. Cheonsa widens her eyes at his sudden but expectant motion later on she closes it.

Kris pulls away first since they are out of breath, “Wo ai ni”

“Looks like the two of you are having fun together” Yixing suddenly came in with the three siblings behind him.

“Annyeong” the three of them informally said, bowing.

She bowed as well, not yet recognizing one of them. “Wait… have we met before?” she asked, eyeing the hazel brown-headed guy and the tallest among the three.

Jongin speaks, knowing he was the one she’s referring about. “Jongin-imnida, yes… we have met before in the shop. I’m sorry for that time” and he bowed.

“Song Cheonsa-imnida” she introduced

“Minseok-imnida” the guy with fluffy cheeks introduced.

‘Baozi’ Cheonsa mentally speaks and Kris chortles after reading her mind. They all noticed him but shrugged it off.

“And last but not the least… Jongdae-imnida”

Minseok turns to Kris with his serious face, “We should talk”

Cheonsa turns to Kris, “Talk?” then to Minseok, “Can’t you talk in here instead?”

“We’ll be back” Kris says and pecks on her forehead. Minseok, Kris and Yixing went out, leaving her with the two.

Jongin smiles widely and teleports towards her, “I can teleport as you can see” Jongdae walks near to them, “His is a bit disruptive but useless at times”

Jongdae held her arm and sent small electric bolts to her, “Omo… that was… amazing” she complimented.

“Thanks… Minseok hyung always told me not to use it since it’s disruptive” he pouted.


“What are we going to talk about, hyung?” Kris asks the older lad.

Yixing pats his back before Minseok speaks, “Be our alpha”

ME and the WOLFㅣKris WuWhere stories live. Discover now