Chapter 7

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"What is this scandal all about?” Mr. Huang calmly asks.

Xianzi sighs, “It’s her fault sir” she pointed at Cheonsa. “She provoked me”

“What? You started the fight?”  Mr. Song yells from his seat, making her frozen at the moment.

The door swiftly open, revealing Luhan and Tao they entered and walked to both sides. “Gwaenchana?” Luhan asks, tucking her hair behind her ear.

“Luhan, Tao. You are not involved in this discussion so go out” Mr. Song stiffly said, pointing at the door.

“I’m his brother so if she’s involved then I am too” Luhan bravely protests, holding her hand tightly. “Let my sister, fight and protect for her self first before you try to scold and punish her”

“Oppa” she called softly. He gave her a reassuring hand squeeze.

Mr. Song calms and takes a sit, “Go, and explain yourself”

“I promised abeoji and Mr. Huang… I would never provoke and start such fight. She just pulled my hair and slapped me hard on the cheek saying I took Tao from her” she answered calmly.

“How dare you say such lies?!” Xianzi stands up and Tao immediately wraps his arms around her to calm his girl down.

“The one who started the fight is not the point, I warn you both. If this happened again, castigation would take place. Go back to your respective classrooms” he warned and dismissed the four.


Kris and Yixing walk together in the campus when they heard the commotion of the lower grades.

The feminine-like guy nods, “Xianzi really pulled her hair publicly!”

“Isn’t she afraid getting dropped out? She even dared harming the daughter of SM High’s founder”

“And as I heard, it was because of Sooyeon’s instagram post like Cheonsa and Tao never ate together?” he says, taking side to Cheonsa.

They both looked at each other and both headed to the guidance office. But a staff didn’t let them in, they just stayed sitting on the couch and listening to their conversation.

Kris made his hands in a ball fist hearing Xianzi saying Cheonsa was lying. “She doesn’t have the right to call my girl like that” he gritted between his teeth. ‘Aisssh… I feel so stupid for not being with her that time and now’ but this makes him angry more.

“Calm, Luhan is there to protect her from their father” Yixing calms him down, rubbing his warming back.

The four students went out of the room, leaving the two adults in the office.

ME and the WOLFㅣKris WuWhere stories live. Discover now