Chapter 21

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She rang the doorbell of the house and spoke to the monitor, “Ajumma… nawaseo” she flashed a faint smile and the gate automatically opened.

A maid immediately went to her, reaching for the bag she was gripping for, “I’ll take that for you, young lady”

She avoids the bag from her grasp and smiles, “No, I can take it myself”

The door of the mansion fluttered open, showing up Luhan who is frantically running towards her. He immediately kissed her forehead as a greeting, “I’m so relieved you are home”

She smiled dimly, “Me too” and she went closer to hug her. Being in her brother’s arms just make her comfortable and safe, like no one could hurt her because she is guaranteed that he would surely protect her no matter what. “I missed you oppa” her voice was muffled by her tears, which were now-soaking Luhan’s shirt.

“Aigoo~ our princess is such a crybaby” he cooed, rubbing her back.

He pulls her away to wipe her tears but Cheonsa frowns, seeing his wound on his lips, “Where did you get that cut, did abeoji hit you?” she asks guiltily.

“It’s chilly… let’s just continue the drama inside, eo?” he didn’t bother answering her and just pulled her along with him in the house.

However as they were about to step inside, Cheonsa hesitates. “A-Abeoji” distress is evident in her voice, like the presence of her father is such a horrendous event.

Luhan wraps his arm around her back, gripping on her upper arm and giving it a light squeeze, while they both get in. “They’re in the office, maybe trying to fix up the” he was out of word.

“Scandal?” she continued for him. She breathed out, “It’s entirely my fault”

“Yah... don’t you ever say that. It’s not your fault. Plus if abeoji didn’t do a mistake and have you? You wouldn’t be with your handsome oppa and that’s me!” she chortled a little at his silliness and that was enough for Luhan. “You look better that way, smiling, other than frowning like this” and he made face again, gaining another small laugh from his sister.

Soon he became serious, “You know, Cheonnie? A person who was born on earth couldn’t be considered as a mistake. Even if that person is the worst person living on earth, shouldn’t be treated and called as a mistake… because he was born by purpose not and never was unplanned and by mistake. Everyone has a purpose; it may be vague but soon it’ll be clear for you. But for me the reason why you were born is, for you are worthy to be loved and that’s because you love unconditionally as well”

Cheonsa smiled at him, touched from her brother’s words. “I’m so grateful to have a brother like you oppa” and she hugged him so tightly and he hugged back.


“My daughter and your son would be divorced to end our deal” Mr. Zhang utters while pushing the envelope towards Mr. Song.

Mr. Song looks at the envelope then to him, “You aren’t serious right?” still astonished to the sudden decision of their partner.

“Sorry… but I am. You are expecting this one, right?” he answered sarcastically. “ I know that you know why, I came up with this decision. But just to clear, I don’t want my company to join yours in downfall and I don’t want my family around people who deceives”

Chundong smirks, “So Ming, you are saying that we are like that people” looking at him sternly.

“You are certainly that people, I am telling. I’m sorry for that. Anyway” he stands up, buttoning his suit. “I’ll go ahead”

Mr. Song inhales deeply and exhales it audibly, parking himself on his swivel chair when finally he was out of sight. He rested his elbows on the table and placed his head on his palm, trying to calm himself.


“So I heard from Minseok, you’ll be here for good?” Jongseok asks, handing Minseok, Kris, and Suho a cup of brewed coffee as each of them bows a little and says kamsahabnida.

“Ah, ne. We decided to just go back here” Suho answers and drinks his coffee.

Jongseok places his cup down, “It’s not that I don’t want you here… but why? Is the hotel business not working well there?”

He presses his lips together, “No… it’s not like that. Abeoji thought of continuing the business here”

“Oh, is the building constructing in the downtown south of Han River yours?” Minseok asked and drank his coffee.

Suho smiles lightly and nods, “Yes… it almost 2 years of construction and maybe by the second quarter of the year, we would soon open it”

“Invite us then?” Kris speaks up, crossing his legs and sipping his coffee.

He smiles his million-dollar smile, “Of course, it’s a pleasure to have you as our important guests”

After talking for some quite time, “I hope to see Joowoo and Myeon-ah soon, Suho” Jongseok says, patting his shoulder. “Send my regards to them, okay?”

“Ne… That’ll surely be sent to them, abeonim. I’ll be heading now” he bowed a little and opened the car’s door.

When his car is out of sight, they all go in and Jongseok speaks. “Minseok” Minseok shifts his attention to his father. “Ask Sehun to check up on the future to know their real objective in going back”

He was about to speak up when Yifan states, “Why? Do you not trust his words?”

He shook his head immediately, “Not him… but his father. That’s why; I’m asking Sehun for us to prepare for it. Be with him by then”

“Ne abeonim” Minseok answers.

Yifan and Minseok went together to Sehun, who is busy playing rock, paper, scissors with Jongin. “Hyung” they both speak.

Minseok opens his mouth when Sehun intrudes, “I’ll do it”

“I am not interested for the leadership, abeoji” Suho cries to his father. “Yes, I’ve been trained for that position someday… but, Yifan is the new alpha”

“Yet… that Yifan isn’t a wolf!” his eye color changes that means he really is serious and angry. A lady as old as him went towards him, calming him down. He sighs, “You are the only one who is possible to lead a pack, Joonmyeon-ah”

He shook his head in disagreement, “You told me before… Hayoung, she turned him into one then why can’t he be the alpha?”

Standing there without their notice and knowledge are Sehun and Yifan; with Yifan’s successful enter of the mind of the younger wolf. But then Sehun’s head starts to ache that made his vision of the future get blurry and unclear so as Yifan.


Luhan was busy channel surfing until a news caught his attention, “Oh”

Flight 268 flown by Air-China from Beijing, China to Seoul, South Korea crashed just off the xxx coast, killing 274 passengers.

Then Cheonsa’s head landed on his shoulder, sleeping soundly. “Aigoo~” he chuckled to himself and picked her up towards her room. After tucking his sister in her bed, he smiles. Just then his phone rings, Yixing calling…

He answers the phone and hears his anxious voice, “Hyung… is Meiji noona with you?”

Luhan frowns, “No, she’s in China. Well---why did something happen?” then an idea, bad idea, comes in his mind. “Don’t tell me”

“She called me last night that she would come back here… and she got the first flight to Seoul” he lifelessly told his hyung. He gradually shook his head, “I hope she’s not in there”

ME and the WOLFㅣKris WuWhere stories live. Discover now