Brighter Days

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The next morning was a little disorienting to say the least. It took me a second to realize I was still in Jasper's bedroom and that last night wasn't just a dream. I smile when I feel his cool arm around my waist, and I turn over to face him, planting a small kiss on his nose.

"Good mornin' Darlin'." He says sweetly making me smile again.

"Good morning."

"Sleep well?" He asks placing another kiss on my forehead.

"Definitely. I'd be content with staying like this forever." I chuckle slightly, and he smiles before it deflates a little. "What's wrong?"

"I would just love to grant you that, but with everything going on..we still don't know what Edward is doing or where he is." He sighs at this and I watch him deflate more. "But I'm hoping this doesn't last much longer." I sigh as well knowing he's right, but wishing we didn't have such a short time together.

"When do you need to head back?" I begrudgingly ask, not wanting to really know the answer.

"Unfortunately here soon. I've been gone long enough and your father will probably start to wonder where you've disappeared to." My eyes widen, I hadn't even thought about my father and not coming home last night..

"I didn't even think of Charlie!" Sitting up in the bed, I pull my hair into a messy bun and look over at him to see him smiling in a reminiscent kind of way. "What?"

"I was just remembering how I've always dreamed of this moment, especially before I left for the war." His revelation makes me smile softly, knowing I had dreamed of it too, and it seems more like a reality now...if all this extra drama could just calm down.

"Me too, but we're gonna have to be less concerned with everyone else if we ever want to get passed this." He nods, a thinking look on his face, before reaching over and placing a gentle cool kiss on my lips.

"I love you, and have enjoyed our time together, but I'd rather not upset the chief." He says with a chuckle, making me laugh slightly, and nod in agreement.

"Yeah I should probably go check on him. Especially with everything he's endured with Bella." I say with a roll of my eyes getting out from under his sheets.

"Is she still stoic?" I nod and he just shakes his head sadly.

"She still hardly talks to us, and I know it's killing Charlie. If Edward ever comes back, it's gonna take a lot to regain Charlie's trust..." I admit, knowing my father and how protective he is, and after this he isn't just gonna let Edward stroll back in to my sister's life.

"I'll see what is known on my side and if we can help in any way." He says as he places his arms around me before we head out of his bedroom, and my blissful break from reality comes to an end. Heading down the stair case, I take in being by his side for just a little longer knowing that neither of us know when we will be together again. I also begin to think of ways to help my sister begin to heal, especially knowing that Jasper has no idea when or if Edward'll ever return, and yes we've had our difficulties, but she doesn't deserve this..I can sympathize with her a little–I was the same when Jasper "died".

"I promise to keep in touch with my phone, please let me know if there's anything I or any of us can do for you and Bella alright?" I nod and he places a kiss on top of my head before pulling me into him and I wrap my arms around him tightly, getting my fill until I'm able to see him again.

"I will. And keep me updated if anything happens alright? Hopefully we'll be together soon." He kisses me sweetly before I head towards my car, with the hope of seeing him again and a plan to help my sister.

I make it back to Forks in enough time, knowing my sister will be home and hoping my father isn't too angry with me. Walking in quietly, I don't see Charlie right away and am thankful for that, so I head upstairs to see if Bella's awake. My socked feet pad along the hall, and I noticed Bella's door is slightly ajar and so I knock gently, peeking my head in to see what she's up to. Only to realize she's gone.... Over the last four months this girl hasn't gone anywhere, and the one time I decide to willingly spend time with her, she's gone.. Well, maybe a different time I guess. Although, I'm still curious as to where she even is and it seems my answer just walked through the door. I hear my dad's work boots come down the hall, and I quickly grab his attention.

"Hi Dad, where's Bella?" I can tell I scared him slightly, but he smiles anyways.

"She's actually in Port Angeles with Jessica. I don't know what that girl did, but she finally got your sister out of the house." I can tell Charlie is genuinely happy, glad that someone was able to get Bella to stop wallowing, and that makes me happy.

"I'm glad! I was gonna see if there was something I could do to help her, but I'm glad Jessica was able to get through to her finally." I smile as he pats my shoulder in appreciation, smiling fully for the first time in many months.

"Me too kid. Hey, whatcha say to some dinner down at the diner while Bella's with her friend?" He offers and I didn't realize how much I've missed our diner dates over the last few months.


I smile and we head to the diner. Maybe things will finally start to look up, and things are going to get better. Bella seems to be making an upturn, Dad and I are able to spend time together, and I was able to see Jasper and know that we're gonna be okay. Let's hope this means brighter days are ahead of us.

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