A Hundred and Fifty Years in The Making

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Stretching I find myself alone in Jasper's bed which I think nothing about knowing I've got quite the task ahead of me. Making sure I look presentable, I text Rose to see if she's going to be at the house today. As I wait for a response, there's suddenly a knock on the door making me laugh knowing it's Rose and as I hear the door open as I throw my hair into a messy bun.

"Morning Rose." I smile and she makes herself comfortable on the bed beside me.

"Good morning. I just thought this was easier than texting you back." She smiles brightly and I am just reminded of how much I enjoy our friendship.

"Good point. So I have a favor to ask of you." Not really knowing how to go about this, I guess it's just a normal question. "Would you maybe, like to help me plan my wedding?" I watch as her smile widens and her amber eyes light up as her head nods so quickly I'd be afraid it would come right off her neck.

"Oh absolutely Sophie!! I would love to help you plan your wedding!" She squeals, and my grin widens before she wraps me tightly in a hug and I'm so excited to have her help.

"Thank you so much! It might be a bit crazy, but we were thinking the end of July–which we know is soon, but after one hundred and fifty years of waiting what's the big deal, ya know?"

"I understand completely." She nods. "Where are you wanting to have it? Here?"

"Oh gosh no. I've got a different space in mind. Jasper and I have a cabin up north the resides by a lake within a mountain range that I think would be perfect." I grin, glad she wasn't upset with me denying having the ceremony here, it just seems lazy, when there are so many places that are filled with even more beauty.

"Perfect! We can get started with that, and I'll have you write invitations to whomever you want to be there."

She smiles and I'm so glad she isn't being forceful or controlling, making the idea of planning a wedding less stressful. We spend the day getting lists together, finding color pallets I would like to use for decorating and dresses, organizing flowers, and then I begin to pile together the people I want to invite in my mind.

Immediate family is a traditional must, even though my relationship with my mother and Bella wouldn't warrant an invite, but I know it would upset Charlie and so I suck it up and write them down. That seems to be all I can think of for my side and so I get up to find Jasper, as I have a few questions for him.

"Hey Major." I find him sitting by himself downstairs reading a leather bound book, and he turns with a smile at the old nickname.

"What can I do for you miss?" He pulls me into his lap before planting a kiss at my temple.

"I'm writing up a list of invitations for the wedding, and I wanted to ask and see if there was anyone you wanted to be there?" He thinks for a second, his fingers tapping on my thighs before his eyes light with an idea.

"Do you remember Peter? He was a friend of mine in Texas, we served together in the Confederacy and he actually, obviously, got turned around the same time I did." There is a faint memory of a man with tousled brown hair that was close to Jasper so I nod, surprised that he also was turned.

"He and his mate Charlotte are nomades, they don't follow our diet, so if you aren't comfortable with them being there, they don't have to be..."

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