Diving Deep

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"You may now kiss the bride."

The space around us erupts into applause and cheers, Jasper and I joining in, although I'll admit mine was very lack-luster and sarcastic, wanting to be out of this moment as quickly as possible.

Am I happy for my sister? Sure. Everyone deserves their own version of happiness.

Am I happy with her? Now that's a whole other bundle of emotions.

Food is being brought out as everyone transitions from their aisle seating to rounded tables, and I admittedly hadn't realized how hungry I was and begin to look forward to whatever kind of meal they had planned. I tune out the toasts that begin once everyone is seated, rolling my eyes at Emmett's comment about sleep–knowing he meant it as a vampire thing, but also a sex thing and I just didn't need that visual today...

Although I do laugh at my Dad's threat of being able to find Edward if anything happens and it makes me realize how stark of a difference it is between how he feels about Bella's relationship compared to mine. I can't help but roll my eyes when Mom gets up there, because she's just a drunk blubbering mess singing some sort of lullaby (if you can call it singing). It just makes me realize how burnt out and emotionally exhausted I am with my family. Jasper rubs his thumb along the back of my hand in comfort, no doubt picking up on my unease.

"How ya doin' Squirt." The nickname and deep rumble of my father's voice makes me smile against everything else, as I see him come over some time later.

"Doing alright Dad." I'm honest as I smile at him and he nods his understanding.

"I know. This happened a lot faster than I thought it would, I could only imagine how you feel about it." My eyebrows shoot up in surprise, realizing it wasn't just Jasper and I who thought this was too close to our wedding.

"Honestly Dad, I want to be happy for her, but when I get an invitation during my own honeymoon.. I have a hard time with it." He sends me a sad half smile, nodding in agreement.

"I understand hun. I'm sorry you've had to deal with this, but you've done a good job at being civil about it." He squeezes my hand before kissing my forehead with a small smile. "I think Sue and I will be leaving soon, but I know we'd love to have you both over at some point now that you're home."

"We'd love to make it over soon." Jasper smiles and I feel a peace about our future. Music and dance begin around us and I smile watching my dad interact with Sue Clearwater and my heart swells with adoration for the two of them, glad they can find comfort with one another.

"May I have this dance ma'am?" I turn to see Jasper standing, extending a hand to me.

"It'd be an honor, Major."

I place my hand in his with a smile and follow him to the beautiful dance floor Alice had designed. I don't pay much attention to the song that's playing, but finally enjoy getting the chance to dance with my husband and I feel the tension melt from my shoulders. I enjoy the feeling of Jasper pulling me closer as the song goes on, and it seems in this moment my emotions are heightened and the bliss is tangible between us. As we enjoy this small piece of heaven, we pay no one else any mind and once it comes to an end we decide it's time for us to head upstairs at the house.

Slipping away quietly, we notice that Bella and Edward are also making their departure, but it seems Jasper doesn't care to stay and watch—which I'm thankful for. Making our way through the empty house, we slowly climb the stairs, still floating on the bliss of the last song and make it to our room, just like we left it. He closes the door behind us before wrapping me fully in his arms and I feel his fingers find the zipper on my dress. Once his fingers are finished, his hands find their way to the sides of my face, pulling me into a sweet, passionate kiss that I completely melt into. Our moment goes late into the night, and I fall asleep content and loved in my soulmate's arms.


A couple days pass, and I'm enjoying a book sitting in Jasper's bay window when a small knock sounds at the door. I place my marking and look up to see Carlisle slowly opening the door with a kind smile on his face. He enters with Jasper tailing behind him and I'm curious if this has anything to do with his research of Jasper and I's connection.

"Jasper said you guys have a second to discuss somethings?" I nod and the three of us sit in a close proximity, awaiting whatever news he has.

"So I know a couple months ago I told you both of the one couple in our history that had a similar situation to yours, but the roles were flipped. Turns out there is an official name for it: Soul Bound, and I was correct in thinking that you will share immortality due to how you both are connected."

We look at each other from where we are sitting, eyes wide and my heart soars with the thought of being with Jasper as long as he lives, but I also worry about what that means for my relationship with Charlie–in the future.. I know we would have to eventually leave Forks, and my father is smart so there is no use lying to him, we will just have to be clever when that time comes.

"Now it would make sense for Sophie to share your gift with emotion control, but I'm not entirely sure how it is that she can tap into the others, although it seems to be just a proximal ability. It could explain why it's painful, although there was a small correlation in the past that he was able to develop gifts after being bound for so long. Seeing as this is the second time you have come in contact, that might be making everything stronger." He allows us to sit and think for a moment in brief silence, absorbing what we've heard and giving us time to think of any questions.

"Will there be any physical changes Sophie can expect, that we know of?" I'll give it to Jasper, I didn't even think of what borrowed immortality might do to my body, especially over the years, but the look on Carlisle's face shows he isn't too worried.

"I did think to look into that. The other couple, he didn't find any issues or changes that were out of the ordinary, other than maybe a slowed look to his aging, but nothing incredibly noticeable. His body still functioned as a normal human's would, and he never had to worry about changes in his diet."

We nod, and I feel immensely better knowing nothing adverse will happen, there's no transition needed, and everything will stay as it always has. I will officially be the longest living human, second to this other guy, and not going to lie–it's kind of a neat thought. The gifts will be the most interesting part, and how those could develop over time. As for now, I'm content knowing Jasper and I will never have to worry about being apart or forced into a decision we wouldn't want to make.

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