Decisions To Be Made

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Everything seems to suddenly be in a whirlwind as the Cullen's have arrived home, meaning so has Bella and that has created a lot of tension inside our tiny little home. Charlie was the maddest I have ever seen him when Bella came home, stating that this is the second time Edward has caused Bella to make irrational decisions and just up and leave with little to no explanation to Charlie. He's grounded her to the house indefinitely, but we all know that won't last too long, and Edward isn't allowed to "step foot" in our house. I applaud my father for finally putting his foot down with Bella, but I doubt either of them will respect his wishes, and that frustrates me more than anything. Getting ready for the day, I get a quick message from Jasper inviting me to spend the day with him and his family, saying they all missed me. Not going to lie I was surprised when he said this, but it made my heart flutter knowing his family seems to already accept and adore me.

Making the drive to the Cullen's house, I reflect on the crazy times we just endured and I'm glad that Charlie is setting rules and boundaries for Bella and Edward, seeing as they don't have any healthy boundaries currently in their relationship... I feel bad for Bella, really I do. But I wish she had a stronger constitution and knew how to rely on herself instead of another who obviously has no problem leaving her... I shake the thoughts from my mind as I park in my regular spot, feeling excited to finally be back in my second home. I get out of my car and shut the door, before I'm suddenly tackled into a tight hug and seeing long blonde hair I smile at the gesture.

"I missed you too Rose." I chuckle slightly as I return the hug and we stay like this just a little longer before she releases me a little to smile at me.

"It seemed like it was torturously long... Like I care for my brother, and how he thought he was protecting her, but why make the rest of us be in isolation?" I shrug slightly know where she's coming from, but let her keep ranting. "Like it was a strain for you and Jasper, and you're one of the first people, outside my family, to care what I have to say about things and I wasn't happy about having to leave that." She finally takes a breath and I feel a swell of something in my chest at her words, and I smile at her as she bares these emotions she usually keeps hidden.

"It was long, but everything is more normal now, at least. You all are home, and we can more than likely return to how things were for us."  She huffs a little, but I know she's receiving my words and finally smiles at me bringing me close again.

"I'm so glad to be here. Even though your sister frustrates me... I'm so glad to have you around."

"Me too Rose. Me too."

I smile and we make our way into the house, and I feel at home once again. Feeling the love, security, and warmth I realized how much I've missed them all and I hope it won't ever happen again. Carlisle and Esme both greet me with a smile, Emmett pulls me into a crushing hug having to be reminded by his wife not to crush me, and finally I find myself in the arms of my soulmate once again. He greets me with a smile and a kiss and we join the family in the living room and they fill me in on their time in Denali these last few months.

Later in the evening Alice joins our conversations until we all pause hearing tires kick up the gravel outside and suddenly the house is tense and I hardly expected that to be the case.... Bella and Edward come in through the garage door and the tension around them quickly infiltrates the house, and I place my hand comfortingly on Jasper's thigh to try and lessen his anxiety. I can tell they've been arguing by how Edward is carrying himself and the fact that Bella is making her way to the center of the living room tells me she's here to make a point...

I have to retain my eye roll, but I don't miss Rose's making me snort back a laugh.

"I think you all know why I'm here.. You all know what Edward wants. And you know what I want. But I won't force myself on you..." I suddenly see vampirism in her mind and now this all makes sense. She's wanting one of them to change her...

  "I think the only fair way to handle this is by vote–" She announces and Edward blanches.

"You can't be serious —"

"This is my meeting, Edward." I applaud my sister for putting her foot down against Edward, but I'm not quite sure if she's really thought all of this through.

"However this turns out, I'm not letting the Volturi hurt you. I'll go back to Italy alone–" Italy again? What the hell happened while she was there this last time?

"The hell you will. I'm not missing another fight." Emmett chimes in and I smile at his enthusiasm, but  hate that I'm missing something.

"I want us all to be on the same page. If I join you, you'll be stuck with me for a long time — forever.. It's a huge decision. And I want, well I need your honesty here." My eyebrows shoot up at her honesty and I feel Rose tense beside me. I can't believe she's literally putting her life up to a vote...

"Then let's take a vote... Alice?" Alice jumps up with a large smile and hugs Bella.

"Like you're not already my sister. Of course, yes!" Bella smiles, and then it comes to us... Jasper smiles slightly before casting his vote, and unfortunately I do kind of agree with his reasoning.

"I vote yes. It'll be a relief not to want to kill you all the time." He tightens his arm around me, and I'm stuck in my decision..

I'm stuck in a moral dilemma because I want her to be happy and I guess she isn't willing to live without Edward, but I don't think she is thinking this through fully.

"It seems like you aren't going to be willing to live without him.... But I just wish you'd spend a little more time thinking about this." That's all I say and she looks frustrated, but still continues with her votes.

"Um. Thanks? Okay, Rosalie?" Rosalie, torn, looks at Edward who's stoic towards her.

"Edward, I'm sorry for what I did. I really am. And I know you're not ready to forgive me... But this isn't the life I'd have chosen for myself. I wish there'd been someone to vote no for me... So... no." Bella takes it hard, no doubt believing Rose still has it out for her. Emmett bounds over and lifts Bella into a bear hug, to quickly diffuse the tension.

"I vote hell yeah. We can pick a fight with these Volturi some other way." Esme approaches her next with a smile.

"I already think of you as part of the family. Yes."

"Thank you, Esme." Carlisle moves forward, but towards Edward almost ignoring Bella a little.


"You can't go along with this Carlisle, you know what it means." Edward complains, voicing his opinion the first time since this has all started.

"You've chosen not to live without her, which leaves me no choice. I won't lose my son." Carlisle says in finality and I realize just how much he really cares for this family, especially for his first son.

"Thank you. Thank you all." Bella says a smile forming on her face, and I just don't have the best of feelings about all this, but I guess only time will tell....

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