A New Moon Gives No Light

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"What do you mean you still have to leave? I thought--" I trail off in minor frustration, running my hands through my hair, now faced with the fact that the Cullen's are still leaving Forks because of what happened tonight.

"Well Edward believes your sister isn't safe with him, and so he wants to leave and apparently we all have to go. Something about being as if he never existed."

Jasper shrugs with a roll of his eyes and I fall back onto his bed staring up at the ceiling trying to figure out a way that this could work. There's also a small part of me that hurts for Bella, knowing how her relationship with Edward was like and this will just destroy her... I was able to save my own relationship, but my sister has to suffer because he believes she's worse off with him.

"Hey." Jasper says softly, placing a hand on my arm as he breaks me out of my revere. "It's gonna be alright, we'll figure out a way to stay connected, I'm not going to leave you in the dark during all of this okay?" I hold his eyes searching for truth, and I see it, but I still worry about what's next.

"You better not. Because my words are true. I can't lose you again Jasper. I won't, I will put up a fight this time." I say seriously, and after a breath he nods placing a kiss on my forehead. I wonder what is to come and how long this might last, I'm not quite sure my heart can handle any more time apart.

"You sure I can't come with you?" I ask watching his amber eyes, as he thinks about it for just a minute, before his expression falls and I know I have to stay in Forks.

"Not this time darlin'. I don't think it would be wise right now." I nod, knowing that was going to be his answer, but hoping for a different one. "We can use our phones to remain in contact, but beside that, we cannot be too obvious. Because of Edward's choices and what he is making the family do, I can't give you more and I apologize for that."

"If it's just a random daily phone call or text message, I don't mind, because I know that I'm not losing you like I did before." He pulls me into his chest firmly, like he knows the second he lets me go he is going to have to leave for who knows how long and that breaks my heart. He keeps me in his tight embrace, and I relish being in his arms one last time, hoping beyond hope this won't last.

"Sophia Swan, I love you with all my heart now and always, and I promise to come back to you this time." He says holding my gaze and my heart jumps at the realization that he finally said those three words, ones I haven't heard him say since my past life, and I don't even need to think of my response.

"I love you too Jasper Whitlock, more than my heart can fathom." He smiles relieved before capturing my lips with his, in a firm but passion filled kiss. As we part, we head downstairs where the family is gathered and I notice Edward isn't here. I give hugs to everyone, knowing that I am going to miss my second family, but with a wink from Alice I am reassured a little. As I release Rose, she slips what feels like paper in my hand and before I can ask she smiles slightly and tells me it's her phone number, and if I need anything to let her know. My heart swells at the knowledge of knowing Jasper's family also wants to stay connected while they are forced into exile.

Remembering I drove my self here what feels like a century ago, I head outside to my car and as I start it up, my phone dings with a text message.

From Alice: Don't worry, everything will work out for you guys ;)

This reassures me, making me smile slightly as I drive through the forest back to my house... which has all the lights on? It's midnight..usually Dad is asleep by now, and that's when I notice all the people inside our living room or in our front yard. Quickly getting out of my car, I slip through the people in our lawn hoping to find my dad sometime soon trying to catch pieces of the conversations around me.

"Dad!" I finally find him in the backyard, looking worried and worn and relief floods his face as he sees me. "What is going on?"

"Have you seen your sister?" He asks, a tone of desperation in his voice that makes me worry. Where did Edward take her..?

"Just at her birthday party a couple hours ago..? I thought she was with Edward?" He wasn't at the house when I left so I assumed he was still with her...

"We've tried the Cullen's but they aren't answering, and Bella is missing." My blood runs cold, not quite sure what is going on or what is going to happen.

"What do you mean she's missing? I just saw her literally a couple hours ago." Before we can say anything else, I hear Jacob call for my dad's attention, and is pointing to the tree line behind our house. I watch as my father runs to a tall, shirtless man holding Bella who looks to be in a fetal position in his arms and my heart breaks a little for her..knowing what has caused this...

"Thank you Sam. Thank God."

My father takes Bella from this guy and gently tries to talk to her as he walks towards the house. I open the door for him and follow them inside, quickly grabbing extra blankets to help warm Bella up. He places her in her bed upstairs and covers her up, the paleness of her skin making me wonder how long she's been out in the forest..

"What were you thinking Bella? Why were you out there?" Dad speaks softly as if she's an animal that might spook easily.

"He's... gone."

She mumbles, and my heart breaks for my poor sister. I know we've had our differences in the past, but this kind of heartbreak is something I don't wish on anyone... I went through it once, it's never pretty. We're at a lose for words on how to comfort her and the room is quiet as her eyes finally close to the exhaustion.

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